Indiana Dam Information, Resources, and Training (DIRT)


Indianapolis, IN




The Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) invites you to participate in a one-day Dam Information, Resources, and Training (DIRT) Conference for Dam Owners, Operators, and Local Officials on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at Primo South Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 E. National Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227.

This multi-speaker conference has been created to bring dam owners/operators together with members of the professional dam safety community and various supporting professions. 

Topics will include the following:

  • Dams 101
  • CCTV Inspections for Spillway Conduits and Drains
  • Qualification Based Selection for Better Projects, Better Value
  • ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
  • IDNR's Geotechnical Review Evaluation for Dams and Levees
  • Dam Failure Flood Inundation Mapping
  • Introduction to Conservancy Districts
  • Overview of National Water Prediction Services
  • Human Factors Related to Flooding Losses
  • Jeto Lake Dam Case Study

DIRT is designed for all Dam Safety Stakeholders Including:

  • Dam Owners
  • Operators
  • Engineers
  • Contractors
  • Floodplain Management Officials  
  • Local Emergency Response Managers


8:00 am - 9:00am - Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:15 am - 9:00am - Dams 101 (Optional Session)
9:00 am - Workshop Begins
4:00pm - Workshop Adjourns