A future where all dams are safe.
Improve the condition and safety of dams and lower the risk of dam failures through education, support for state dam safety programs, and fostering a unified dam safety community.
What Does ASDSO do to Improve Dam Safety? ASDSO's 2022-2027 Goals
Improve state dam safety programs.
Develop a cohesive and collaborative dam and levee safety community committed to the ASDSO mission.
Advance and expand the technical expertise of dam owners and dam and levee safety practitioners
Increase public awareness of the role of dams in society, the risks they present and the importance of both dam safety and preparedness for dam failures.
Increase the interest and awareness by federal and state lawmakers and administrators so that laws, policies, funding, and programs that serve to improve the safety of dams and levees and reduce the risk to the public are carried out.