Dam Incident Database Search

The ASDSO Dam Incident Database provides basic information on dam safety incidents to ASDSO members, dam safety stakeholders, the media and the public. The database began as a cooperative effort between the Department of Homeland Security Dams Sector and ASDSO in 2010. The initial database contained a limited number of dam failure records from a previous ASDSO dam failure database effort. In 2010, ASDSO began to gather dam safety incident information (both failure and non-failure) from the state dam safety programs. The majority of the incident records have been collected from state programs following the year in which they occurred. Some states have been able to provide historic incident information and ASDSO will continue to obtain as much information, both current and historic, as possible. The database is not considered comprehensive of all dam safety incidents, both historic and current, and reflects only the data that ASDSO has been able to collect. Much of the identifying information on specific dams is obtained from the National Inventory of Dams. ASDSO does not provide assurance that all the information in the database is completely accurate. It is the best information available to us at the time, however it could be subject to error or misinterpretation. If you see an error or have additional information to provide for a specific incident, please contact Mark Ogden at [email protected]. If you would like to provide additional incident information to the database, please contact Mark. ASDSO has a spreadsheet (download at this link) that provides an explanation of each field and can be used as an entry form to submit incident information.

Using the Database: The following search table allows the user to view, search and select records of the ASDSO Dam Incident Database. The columns represent a few of the fields of the database that contain what can be considered the major incident fields. They can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to the field name at the top. To see more information on an incident without leaving the search table click on the blue “+ sign” at the left of an incident row. You can then click on the red “- sign” to collapse the additional fields. To go to an individual incident page, click on the dam name. Users can filter search results by each field using the search criteria boxes at the top of the page. Multiple filters can be applied. Some fields have fixed possible entries and those are presented in the search box as a drop-down selection. Users can also download a CSV (Microsoft Excel) version of their search by clicking on the “Export Table to CSV” link. To download the entire database, click on “Reset All Filters” and then “Export Table to CSV.”

  • If a field is empty, that indicates that there is no value for that field in that particular record.
  • There are a few incident records with an incident date in the 1800s. When downloaded to CSV, those dates become "General" format instead of "Date" format which can impact sorting and searches in the Incident Date field in the CSV file.
  • A few incident records have reports and photos, etc. associated with them. In the individual record page there is a field named "Attachments" and if it has a value of "Y" then there is some associated attachment. Contact Mark Ogden if you are interested in more information on that record.
  • ASDSO does not become aware of many incidents until states report them in an annual performance data call. As a result, incidents from the current year and even some from the previous year will not yet be in the database. Incident information is not necessarily entered in chronological order. Data is entered as it is received and as time permits; some more recent incidents may be included before older incidents. The database was last updated on August 21, 2024.

Dam Name
Downstream Hazard Potential
Incident Type
Incident Date
Incident Driver
Incident Mechanism 1
Incident Mechanism 2
Incident Mechanism 3
Incident ID
Incident Description
Named Hydrologic Event
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident
Fatalities (Number)
Number of People Evacuated
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded
Other Infrastructure Impacts
Economic Damages (in $)
Volume released at failure (ac-ft)
Additional Remarks or Updates
Owner Type
Dam Type
Primary Purpose(s)
Dam Height
Max Storage (ac-ft)
Surface Area (acres)
Year Completed
NID Number
River Name
Year Modified
Regulatory Agency(ies)
Incident Time
Incident Duration
Incident Report Produced
Information Sources
HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE DAM IN H Non-failure 01/22/2018 Structural Stability Sliding IN00100-3073 Downstream slide occurred approx. 52 x 29 x 1 foot deep Yes 0 0 0 0 none Level 3 Emergency declared and emergency officals briefed. Minutes of inspection produced and they are attached. Previous slides occurred in 2011 and 2012 P RE R Y 135 ft 7750 ac-ft 139 acres 1973 IN00100 DOUBLELICK RUN 39.1525 -84.8472 0 IDNR Yes IN DNR Y
PATTISON STATE PARK WI S Failure 06/17/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Debris Clogging Erosion Overtopping WI00127-3334 Left embankment overtopped & failed, significant debris & tree buildup in spillway due to high flows 0 L PGRE R Y 20 ft 340 ac-ft 27 acres 1931 WI00127 BLACK 46.5356 -92.1208 0 WIDNR Unknown WI DNR
COON CREEK 29 WI L Failure 08/29/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Abutment Failure Erosion WI00368-3335 High flows resulted in breach and failure of auxiliary spillway and abutment Yes 0 0 0 0 Bridges, Roads Bridges, roads &culverts, farmstead outbuildings, sheds, private drives, cattle, fencing, equipment, RVs Abandoned house (rarely used when visiting property) knocked off foundation d/s of one of Coon Creek Dams. Report: http://www.co.monroe.wi.us/departments/land-conservation/ L RE CD Y 34 ft 207 ac-ft 5 acres 1961 WI00368 COON CREEK 43.7674 -90.8976 0 WIDNR 1 day Yes WI DNR
COON CREEK 23 WI L Failure 08/29/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Abutment Failure Erosion WI00371-3336 High flows resulted in breach and failure of auxiliary spillway and abutment Yes 0 0 0 0 Bridges, Roads Bridges, roads &culverts, farmstead outbuildings, sheds, private drives, cattle, fencing, equipment, RVs Abandoned house (rarely used when visiting property) knocked off foundation d/s of one of Coon Creek Dams. Report: http://www.co.monroe.wi.us/departments/land-conservation/ Activated EAP next morning after overnight failure L RE CD N 39 ft 95 ac-ft 0 acres 1961 WI00371 TR.RULLANDS COULEE CR 43.743 -90.8418 0 WIDNR 1 day Yes WI DNR
COON CREEK 21 WI L Failure 08/29/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Abutment Failure Erosion WI00373-3337 High flows resulted in breach and failure of auxiliary spillway and abutment Yes 0 0 0 0 Bridges, Roads Bridges, roads &culverts, farmstead outbuildings, sheds, private drives, cattle, fencing, equipment, RVs Abandoned house (rarely used when visiting property) knocked off foundation d/s of one of Coon Creek Dams. Report: http://www.co.monroe.wi.us/departments/land-conservation/ Activated EAP next morning after overnight failure L RE CD N 46 ft 271 ac-ft 2 acres 1963 WI00373 TR RULLAND COULEE CREEK 43.7314 -90.8419 0 WIDNR 1 day Yes WI DNR
BELLEVILLE WI L Non-failure 08/20/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage WI00116-3338 Boils on downstream side of auxiliary spillway due to scour Yes Unknown 8 Unknown Bridges Evacuated as a precaution, also due to general flooding. Water in some basements. L PGRE R Y 15 ft 260 ac-ft 112 acres 1860 WI00116 SUGAR 42.8605 -89.5358 1918 WIDNR Unknown WI DNR
SCHOOL SECTION LAKE WI L Failure 05/10/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Animal Activity Piping WI01142-3339 Embankment failure No 0 0 0 0 None L PGRE OR N 8 ft 700 ac-ft 117 acres 1937 WI01142 SCHOOL SECTION LAKE OUTLET 42.9828 -88.5088 1938 WIDNR Unknown WI DNR
CRANBERRY CREEK WI L Failure 04/25/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping WI00450-3340 Dam breached overnight at principal spillway structure No 0 0 0 0 Roads Minor damage at downstream road crossing EAP not activitated because rural area and unknown failure overnight L RE R Y 15 ft 300 ac-ft 55 acres 1973 WI00450 CRANBERRY CREEK 45.5961 -90.4247 0 WIDNR No WI DNR
HESS CREEK DAM AK H Non-failure 04/27/2020 Deterioration Or Poor Condition High Reservoir Level Debris Clogging AK00017-3341 Satellite imagery on 4/25/2020 appears to show the dam is impounding significant amount of water. There is no serviceable spillway. The low level outlet does not appear to be functioning. Wildfires last year burned area and likely increase runoff and erosion, potentially clogging low level outlet causing impoundment. No 0 0 0 0 None None Inspection and monitoring as the reservoir level receeded. P RE S N 56 ft 10200 ac-ft 0 acres 1946 AK00017 SOUTH FORK HESS CREEK 65.5933 -148.392 0 AKDNR 1 month Yes Alaska Dam Safety Y
LAKE EVANS DAM GA U Non-failure 02/22/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Erosion GA07150-3342 Program took calls stemming from our 2018 visit to the seriously-eroded dam. No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Local official asked Program for advice. Program is in process of reclassifying the dam. P RE R NR 25 ft 25 ac-ft 2 acres 0 GA07150 UNNAMED 33.5656 -84.4239 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Yes GA Safe Dams Program
LAKE BENNETT DAM AR L Non-failure 04/30/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Insufficient Spillway Capacity Overtopping AR00038-3100 Over 8 inches fell in less than 4 hours. The spillways could not handle the flow and the dam was overtopped. The rock masonry core was left intact, however the earth downstream embankment was eroded. No Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads Unknown The earth spillway was washed out and deposited downstream across a road and onto private property. S ERRE CFR NR 41 ft 486 ac-ft 33 acres 1940 AR00038 BLACK FORK CREEK 35.2817 -92.285 0 ANRC 4 hours Unknown Y
LAKE ELMDALE DAM AR H Non-failure 04/28/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Insufficient Spillway Capacity AR00290-3101 Heavy prolong rain surpassed the spillway capacity No Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads Unknown The earth spillway was washed out and deposited downstream across a road and onto private property. S RE R N 46 ft 2050 ac-ft 125 acres 1952 AR00290 BUSH CREEK 36.1983 -94.2183 0 ANRC 2 days Yes Y
POTHOLE RESERVOIR ID L Failure 02/07/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion ID00358-3102 Likely cause was overtopping due to rapid melting of as much as 16-18 inches of snow on or about the reported failure date. No 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other Unknown D/S resident reported damage to agricultural land and outbuildings. S PG P NR 28 ft 600 ac-ft 600 acres 1941 ID00358 POT HOLE CREEK 42.7083 -115.477 0 Yes IDWR Y
NIELSEN DAM ID L Failure 08/04/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion ID06055-3103 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads Unknown RE 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 ID06055 0 0 0 Yes IDWR Y
SILVER LAKE DAM - MIDDLETOWN DE H Non-failure 07/06/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Gate/valve Failure Insufficient Spillway Capacity DE00051-3104 A pop-up storm caused the road to nearly overtop and gates in the left spillway were opened. The gates could not be closed due to deflection and breakage and the pond continued to lower. No Roads $500,000 to $1 million An emergency cofferdam was placed in front of gates to prevent pond from emptying. EAP procedures were followed but it was not "officially" activated. Design has been initiated to replace the gates. The economic damages only includes emergency construction of temporary sheeting and proposed design costs. We will not have an estimate for constrution costs until the design is complete. S PGRE R Y 18 ft 591 ac-ft 39 acres 1945 DE00051 DEEP CREEK 39.438 -75.6934 0 DNREC Yes DelDOT and DNREC Dam Safety Program Y
BRAWNER LAKE MN L Failure 02/24/2015 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure MN00120-3105 In 2015, a small seperation between the riser and outlet conduit occurred, resulting in a slowly falling lake level. In 2017, the corroded conduit seperated from the riser draining the lake. No 0 0 0 0 None Unknown DNR owned Dam. Operators notified DNR Dam Safety quickly. 400 ac-ft S PGRE O NR 32 ft 450 ac-ft 30 acres 1952 MN00120 REDWOOD RIVER 44.3358 -95.9214 1997 MNDNR EWR 2 years to complete failure No MNDNR
LINN GROVE MILLDAM IA L Failure 04/22/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping IA01308-3244 Low Head Dam. Flood event cause overtopping and breaching in two locations of the abutment area. 0 0 0 0 None None L PG R NR 9 ft 416 ac-ft 90 acres 1924 IA01308 LITTLE SIOUX RIVER 42.8956 -95.2448 0 IOWA DNR IA DNR
BEDFORD WATER SUPPLY DAM IA S Non-failure 10/11/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Piping Erosion Spillway Pipe Failure IA01052-3245 Piping and loss of significant downstream embankment slope due to deteriorated corrugated metal pipe. No 0 0 0 0 None None L RE S NR 44 ft 598 ac-ft 30 acres 1969 IA01052 TR-EAST FORK 102 RIVER 40.6822 -94.7127 0 IOWA DNR IA DNR
ENGLISH BENCH WATERSHED SITE 9 IA L Non-failure 11/20/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Sliding IA00086-3246 Slide failure and piping at toe No 0 0 0 0 None None L RE PC NR 38 ft 32 ac-ft 2 acres 1970 IA00086 TR-UPPER IOWA RIVER 43.4418 -91.4662 0 IOWA DNR IA DNR
CHARLESTON RESERVOIR NV L Failure 04/16/2019 Manmade Action Overtopping Insufficient Spillway Capacity Other NV00038-3247 There were modifications that were completed on the spillway and outlet, which reduced the capacity of this facility. The dam failed during spring runoff due to this reduced capaicty. No 0 0 0 0 Roads Unknown 500 ac-ft Damage was limited to ranch that uses the water during irrigation season and the county road downstream of the dam. P RE IP NR 16 ft 500 ac-ft 50 acres 1920 NV00038 BRUNEAU RIVER 41.5823 -115.497 1963 NEVADA DWR Yes NV DWR
WASHOE LAKE DAM NV H Non-failure 06/16/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping NV10472-3248 An earth pipe formed under the masonary structure which released up to 80 cfs during the incident. The pipe was plugged with underwater grout and an upstream filter. Yes 0 0 0 0 Roads Unknown Other Infrastructure Impacts - Road, downstream dam P MSPG IR Y 12 ft 400 ac-ft 45 acres 0 NV10472 STEAMBOAT CREEK 39.33 -119.801 0 NEVADA DWR 8:00 AM 5 Days No NV DWR
EIGHTMILE LAKE OUTLET DAM WA H Non-failure 01/01/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure Insufficient Spillway Capacity Reservoir Overfilling WA00228-3248 No failure but EAP implemented for deteriorating 90 year old dam as precaution for high spring runoff.  Wildfire burned much of watershed the previous fall and low-level outlet was not working. Located in wilderness area with no winter access or remote monitoring. Yes 0 0 0 0 None None Public alert and meetings. Local and State EM staff engaged. Twice weekly recons by small aircraft/helicopters. Installed remote monitoring, re-shaped and armoroed crest, reapired low level outlet. temporary measures in place. Dam owner applying for rehabilitation of the dam. Located on USFS property. U ERRE IR Y 22 ft 1610 ac-ft 65 acres 1933 WA00228 EIGHTMILE CREEK 47.5205 -120.858 0 WASHINGTON, DEPT OF ECOLOGY 10 Months No WA DOE
HIDDEN TIMBER SD L Failure 03/23/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Unknown SD00040-3249 No 0 Unknown post failure site visit by owner staff low hazard dam so was not required to have an EAP, also no habitable structures in the downstream flood plain, the primary incident mechanism was likely overtopping S RE PR NR 18 ft 824 ac-ft 32 acres 1933 SD00040 ANTELOPE CREEK 43.2317 -100.415 1959 DENR No SD DENR
QUINN DAM SD L Failure 03/26/2019 Unknown Unknown SD01073-3250 No 0 Unknown County officials close the downstream highway for a few hours while the situation was assessed, highway was reopened once it was verified the downstream drainage and culverts could handle expected outflow low hazard dam so was not required to have an EAP, also no habitable structures in the downstream flood plain L RE R NR 17 ft 865 ac-ft 87 acres 1937 SD01073 TR-BAD RIVER 43.9967 -102.132 0 DENR No SD DENR
OKOBOJO DAM SD S Failure 04/01/2019 Unknown Unknown SD00438-3251 No 0 Unknown report of dam failure was verified significant hazard dam so was not required to have an EAP, also no habitable structures in the downstream flood plain P RE PRS NR 22 ft 3150 ac-ft 128 acres 1938 SD00438 TR OKOBOJO CREEK 44.6433 -100.427 0 DENR No SD DENR
ROSE HILL DAM SD L Failure 07/30/2010 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SD00759-3252 No 0 Unknown low hazard dam so was not required to have an EAP, also no habitable structures in the downstream flood plain S RE R NR 38 ft 950 ac-ft 32 acres 1935 SD00759 TR-SAND CREEK 0 0 0 SD DENR No SD DENR
LAKE HIDDENWOOD DAM SD L Failure 05/18/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SD00750-3253 No 0 Bridges, Roads Unknown post failure site visit by staff from SD Dam Safety and owner staff, owner closed recreation area associated with the dam low hazard dam so was not required to have an EAP, also no habitable structures in the downstream flood plain, bridge across the dam's spillway and gravel road across the crest were washed out, also some flash flooding of downstream cropland S RE R NR 27 ft 474 ac-ft 27 acres 1926 SD00750 TR MISSOURI 0 0 0 SD DENR No SD DENR
LAKE VAN NORDEN CA H Non-failure 04/30/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Chute Failure CA00362-3254 Large hole at the downstream right end of the spillway invert during high spring spill flows. Yes 0 0 0 0 None None Immediate response by dam owner, Division of Safety of Dams, and first responders. P RE HS N 30 ft 300 ac-ft 135 acres 1916 CA00362 SOUTH YUBA RIVER 39.322 -120.377 0 DWR, SAFETY OF DAMS 1 week Yes CA DSOD
LOWER BLUE LAKE CA L Non-failure 06/26/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage CA00380-3255 Damp spots on the downstream face along the length of the left embankment, localized small active seep from damp area, and seepage boil located ~10 feet downstream of the toe on left side of the dam. No 0 0 0 0 None None Immediate response by dam owner and Division of Safety of Dams. Spillway stoplogs have been removed and the reservoir restricted. P RE H NR 40 ft 5091 ac-ft 198 acres 1885 CA00380 BLUE CREEK 38.6088 -119.927 0 DWR, SAFETY OF DAMS Yes CA DSOD
MISSELBECK CA H Non-failure 06/03/2019 Other Other CA01027-3256 Sediment build up in the reservoir has likely caused the entrance of the outlet works to become plugged. A combined release of ~1 cfs from both pipes while all four valves were fully open was observed during inspections. Yes 0 0 0 0 None None Immediate response by dam owner and Division of Safety of Dams U RE CS Y 96 ft 3600 ac-ft 113 acres 1920 CA01027 NFK COTTONWOOD CR 40.5003 -122.697 0 DWR, SAFETY OF DAMS Yes CA DSOD
MOCCASIN LOWER CA H Non-failure 03/22/2018 Other Insufficient Spillway Capacity Reservoir Overfilling Spillway Erosion/head Cutting CA00122-3257 Blockage of Moccasin Creek Bypass Tunnel caused sudden rise of the reservoir above core wall to nearly the dam crest because of insufficient spillway capacity. More in Remarks. Yes 0 20 1 1 Water/sewer lines $25 million to $50 million Immediate response by dam owner, Division of Safety of Dams, and first responders. Fish Hachery immediately downstream was evacuated - likely less than 20 people L RE HOS Y 60 ft 554 ac-ft 29 acres 1930 CA00122 MOCCASIN CREEK 37.8123 -120.306 0 DWR, SAFETY OF DAMS 2 days Yes CA DSOD
AUBERRY LUMBER MILL CA H Non-failure 04/02/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Insufficient Spillway Capacity Overtopping CA10403-3258 The dam overtopped due to spillway pipes being clogged with overgrown vegetation. Overtopping eroded the downstream slope, which could have potentially led to failure. There is no low-level outlet at this dam. No 0 0 0 0 None None Response hindered as this was an illegal dam previously unknown to the Division of Safety of Dams until days after the event. P RE S N 17 ft 94 ac-ft 8 acres 0 CA10403 LITTLE SANDY CREEK 37.0676 -119.49 0 CA DWR 1 day Yes CA DSOD
INDIAN RUN PA H Non-failure 08/23/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Slope Stability PA00713-3259 Slope failure occurred on the downstream face near the center of the dam. Area of failure was roughly 25 feet wide by 25 feet long and about 6 feet in depth. No 0 0 0 0 None None Owners lowered the reservior and maintained it at a lower level until the slope was remediated. L RE S Y 40 ft 92 ac-ft 5 acres 1890 PA00713 INDIAN RUN 40.2406 -75.8181 0 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION No PA DEP
LAKE QUINN PA H Failure 01/24/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Reservoir Overfilling Other PA00145-3260 offerdam was overtopped and failure during construction. At the time of the cofferdam failure, the main dam has a significant breach cut through it for construction purposes. Main dam embankment was overtopped as a result of the cofferdam failure and a significant discharge occurred. This discharge into the downstream inundation area was ultimately reduced by a downstream roadway crossing. No 0 0 0 Unknown Unknown $1 to $100,000 Owners reconstructed the cofferdam with a bypass spillway to prevent reoccurance. 400 ac-ft P MSREST R Y 12 ft 1244 ac-ft 118 acres 1946 PA00145 TR MIDDLE CREEK 41.5081 -75.4261 0 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION No PA DEP
HANSKA LAKE MN Non-failure 03/21/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Erosion Overtopping MN00070-3261 Flooding due to spring runoff. Spilling around the west side of the dam causing scour erosion. No 0 0 0 0 None None Riprap placed on west side of the structure to stop erosion. Working on redesign. Structure overtops frequently. Rebuild will be jurisdictional, existing dam is not. S REPG NR 5 ft 13777 ac-ft 1740 acres 1930 MN00070 WATONWAN RIVER - TR 44.11 -94.5663 1986 MNDNR 1 day Yes MNDNR
AJAX-HECTOR MINE POND MN Failure 04/24/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Animal Activity Debris Clogging Overtopping MN00000-3262 Tributary stream meandered into abandoned mine pit during spring snowmelt causing partially filled mine pit to completely fill and overtop natural earth embankment. Embankment failed, draining pit into the Embarass River and causing damage to utilities and water quality issues on Embarass Lake. No 0 0 0 0 Other $100,000 to $500,000 Property was abandoned by mining company decades ago and is now owned by state (IRRRB). Rebuild of trail over $1,000,000. 100 ac-ft The "dam" is a 250 foot section of natural ground between an excavation related to the mine pit and an excavation related to the diversion channel of the Embarrass River. Damage to Utility (power, telephone, water supply and sewer) lines severed. Tailings and raw sewage from severed sewer line entered lake downstream of embankment failure. Paved trail washed out. S OT O NR 55 ft 150 ac-ft 9 acres 1945 MN00000 OS TRIBUTARY TO THE EMBARRASS RIVER DIVERSION 47.541 -92.3108 0 MNDNR 1 day Unknown MNDNR
EMPIRE (OUTLET EMBANKMENT) CO H Non-failure 06/11/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Sinkhole Piping CO00009-3263 A toe drain installed in 1974 and it appears the 8 inch clay pipe damaged and has allowed sediment to be carried away over the years forming the sink hole. Yes 0 0 0 None None The sink hole did not appear to be changing so temporary patch was performed. With a permanent repair done in the fall. temporarily placed gravel in hole. Then camera old drain. Then abandoned and repair new drain P RE FIR Y 37 ft 50900 ac-ft 2842 acres 1905 CO00009 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER-OS 40.2732 -104.189 0 DWR 6:00 PM Yes CO DNR Y
SWIFT RUN LAKE DAM OH H Non-failure 01/12/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Vegetation OH00515-3264 Concentrated seepage on downstream slope Yes 0 0 0 0 The Ohio Dam Safety Program (ODSP) was contacted by the dam owner. They started monitoring the seepage and opened the lake drain. Seepage was in the same area as the incident noted in 2017. Dam owner put in a small slurry wall to cut off the seepage. L RE S Y 39 ft 629 ac-ft 38 acres 1876 OH00515 SWIFT RUN 40.1764 -84.2633 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3 days No OH DNR
ECHO LAKE DAM OH S Failure 06/08/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping OH00000-3265 The area received 5 inches of rain in less than 6 hours. It appeared that the center of the crest was approximately 1 foot lower than the left and right ends. The original principal spillway was grouted shut and a new spillway was installed between August 2005 and April 2006 based on historical aerial photographs of the dam. The dam had no emergency spillway. No 1 0 0 2 Roads, Railroad $100,000 to $500,000 ODSP did not hear about this dam until after the fact. The dam was not inventoried and therefore not inspected by our program. Staff inspected the breached dam and surveyed the damage downstream. A letter was sent to the owner indicating that if the dam were to be reconstructed that a construction permit from our office would be required. 28.6 ac-ft 1 Elderly woman was killed. Apparently she left her house to check on her goat and was swept away in the floodwaters. Unknown if this occurred during dam failure or just during flooding event. P RE R N 22 ft 28 ac-ft 2 acres 0 OH00000 TRIBUTARY TO CONOTTON CREEK 40.4894 -81.3272 0 OH DNR 7-8 PM less than 1 day No OH DNR
BURTON LAKE DAM OH S Non-failure 06/28/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Spillway Chute Failure OH01611-3266 Cloudy discharge from under spillway reported by downstream neighbor. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff made site visits to assist owner with construction of weighted filter berm at the outlet and excavation of partial breach though the emergency spillway since there was no lake drain to lower the water level. A Chief's Order issued to breach the dam. The dam owner fully breached the dam by the end of the year. L RE R Y 9 ft 447 ac-ft 18 acres 1952 OH01611 TRIBUTARY TO BRIDGE CREEK 41.4303 -81.1861 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 6 months No OH DNR
PRIDE VALLEY LAKE DAM OH L Non-failure 08/20/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure OH01047-3267 The principal spillway riser failed. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff made site visits to assist owner. Owner actually had approved plans to replace the principal spillway prior to incident. Owner had contractor come in and temporarily breach the dam. Replaced the spillway in the summer of 2019. P RE R N 26 ft 56 ac-ft 6 acres 1957 OH01047 TRIBUTARY TO ARMSTRONG RUN 40.7083 -81.17 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1 week No OH DNR
ISLAND FISHING LAKE DAM OH S Non-failure 12/20/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure OH00176-3268 The principal spillway collapse so water could not exit lake. Neighbor reported high pool that was flooding their property. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff directed the dam owner to install siphons to lower the water level since there was not lake drain. Owner lowered the water level and has maintained it below the spillway elevation. They plan to replace the spillway pipe by the end of 2019. P RE R Y 11 ft 139 ac-ft 20 acres 0 OH00176 TRIBUTARY TO SALMON RUN 39.4472 -84.6883 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1 week No OH DNR
UPPER SHAKER LAKE DAM OH H Non-failure 04/18/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Spillway Pipe Failure OH00353-3269 Sinkhole next to the spillway found during periodic inspection. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff directed the dam owner to lower the water level. Started by pumping and then was able to remove a portion of the spillway riser. Dam currently under design. L RE R Y 30 ft 155 ac-ft 11 acres 1852 OH00353 DOAN BROOK 41.4831 -81.5606 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES No
CROOKSVILLE RESERVOIR NO. 1 DAM OH H Non-failure 11/07/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Spillway Pipe Failure OH00279-3270 During a periodic inspection, sinkholes in the left end of the downstream slope of the dam were discovered. Ordered the dam owner to drain the lake. Owner is working on permanently breaching the dam. L RE R N 34 ft 96 ac-ft 7 acres 1934 OH00279 DRY RUN 39.7611 -82.0472 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES No OH DNR
NORTH RESERVOIR DAM OH H Non-failure 12/01/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Gate/valve Failure OH00587-3271 Lake drain operation caused the abutment movement and unsafe condition for operator. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff made a site visit to inspect the rest of the structure. Dam currently under design. S RE R Y 12 ft 1111 ac-ft 166 acres 1840 OH00587 TRIBUTARY TO TUSCARAWAS RIVER 41.0056 -81.5508 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1 day No OH DNR
PEABODY COAL COMPANY POND DAM OH L Non-failure 10/25/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure OH00868-3272 During a periodic inspection, ODSP staff discovered that the last 4 sections of the spillway pipe had separated from the rest of the spillway and the downstream slope over the spillway pipe had eroded away. No 0 0 0 0 ODSP staff informed owner. The dam is being monitored and currently under design. S RE R Y 34 ft 215 ac-ft 5 acres 1967 OH00868 TRIBUTARY TO MILL FORK 40.2289 -81.9467 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES No OH DNR
SLAUGHTERS LAKE DAM KY S Failure 02/25/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Erosion KY00141-3273 Dam breached around principal spillway pipe due to poor condition of structure and excessive erosion. 0 0 0 0 P RE O NR 18 ft 260 ac-ft 13 acres 1890 KY00141 DEER CREEK 37.4785 -87.4925 0 KY DIVISION OF WATER Yes KY DNR
LUZERNE LAKE DAM KY H Non-failure 02/26/2018 Structural Stability Slope Stability Sliding KY00158-3274 Dam experienced a slide on the downstream slope due to steep slopes and saturated conditions. 0 0 0 0 L RE R Y 25 ft 937 ac-ft 59 acres 1940 KY00158 CANEY CREEK 37.2131 -87.196 0 KY DIVISION OF WATER Yes KY DNR
BIG BONE LICK STATE PARK DAM KY L Non-failure 06/17/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping KY00307-3275 Dam experienced a piping incident on the downstream slope with large sinkhole formation. Drawdown only partially functional. Suspect failed low level conduit. 0 0 0 0 S RE R Y 70 ft 218 ac-ft 9 acres 1971 KY00307 BIG BONE CREEK 38.8845 -84.7429 0 KY DIVISION OF WATER Yes KY DNR
OTTER LAKE DAM KY H Non-failure 03/01/2018 Structural Stability Slope Stability KY00858-3276 Dam experienced a slide on the downstream slope due to steep slopes and saturated conditions. 0 0 0 0 P RE R Y 28 ft 695 ac-ft 26 acres 1959 KY00858 OTTER CREEK 37.4066 -87.518 0 KY DIVISION OF WATER Yes KY DNR
BARTLETT CARRY DAM NY S Non-failure 05/06/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Cracking Excessive/increased Seepage Sinkhole NY00011-3277 Leakage through the dam through the concrete on the upstream face of the spillway and through the porous core in the abutment wall caused excessive seepage which caused a sink hole. Yes 0 0 0 0 The seepage was repaired using additional cutoffs and relief drains and the sink hole was repaired. P CNOT OR Y 17 ft 70924 ac-ft 5066 acres 1915 NY00011 SARANAC RIVER 44.2506 -74.2942 0 NYS DEC 3 days Yes NY Dam Safety
NORWOOD NY H Non-failure 09/06/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Cracking Excessive/increased Seepage NY00743-3278 Increased seepage through concrete joints had to be repaired through a grouting program No 0 0 0 0 This is a FERC Licensed dam. FERC was the primary regulator monitoring the repairs. P CNERPG H Y 24 ft 1736 ac-ft 350 acres 1928 NY00743 RAQUETTE RIVER 44.7433 -75.0054 0 NYS DEC 9 months Yes NY Dam Safety
GREENBRIER STATE PARK DAM & DIKE MD H Non-failure 07/20/2018 Hydrologic /flooding Overtopping MD00118-3279 Yes None None None None Other,recreational lake Unknown S RE R Y 64 ft 734 ac-ft 27 acres 1965 MD00118 LITTLE BEAVER CREEK-TR 39.5389 -77.6213 1996 MD DAM SAFETY 3 weeks No MD DAM SAFETY
LAKE MARIAN (WOODRIDGE ROAD) MD L Non-failure 08/05/2018 Other Slope Stability MD00075-3280 No None None None None Roads P RE R NR 50 ft 113 ac-ft 3 acres 1973 MD00075 LINGANORE CREEK-TR 39.4172 -77.3268 2003 MD DAM SAFETY 1 year No MD DAM SAFETY
CASCADE LAKE DAM MD S Non-failure 04/16/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage MD00042-3281 Yes None None None None Other,recreational lake P ER R Y 20 ft 58 ac-ft 5 acres 1900 MD00042 PATAPSCO RIVER-TR-EAST BRANCH 39.6167 -76.8883 1976 MD DAM SAFETY 6 months No MD DAM SAFETY
ST CLAIR FARM POND MD S Non-failure 04/18/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure MD00199-3282 No None Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads P RE R Y 18 ft 64 ac-ft 8 acres 1968 MD00199 CHURCH BRANCH, TR-BUSH CREEK 39.3417 -77.2245 1968 MD DAM SAFETY 1 year No MD DAM SAFETY
RISING SUN WASTE WATER LAGOON MD L Non-failure 07/25/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping MD00130-3283 No None None None None Roads L RE NR 10 ft 119 ac-ft 8 acres 1964 MD00130 OFFSTREAM-STONE RUN 39.7067 -76.08 2012 MD DAM SAFETY 1 year No MD DAM SAFETY
MORRIS MILL POND (SOUTH DIVISION STREET) MD H Non-failure 10/01/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Debris Clogging MD00131-3284 Hurricane Michael No None None None None Roads L RE RI Y 11 ft 191 ac-ft 11 acres 1947 MD00131 SLAB BRIDGE CREEK 38.326 -75.6024 2018 MD DAM SAFETY 1 year No MD DAM SAFETY
WILDCAT DAM TX H Failure 08/01/2017 Unknown Unknown TX00990-3285 BREACHED P RE PR Y 30 ft 192 ac-ft 4 acres 1951 TX00990 BEAVER CREEK 30.9082 -98.3887 0 TCEQ TCEQ
UPPER BRUSHY CREEK WS SCS SITE 25 DAM TX S Non-failure 01/04/2019 Structural Stability Sliding TX01339-3286 SLIDE ON DOWNSTREAM SLOPE L RE CP N 35 ft 1728 ac-ft 36 acres 1975 TX01339 LITTLE MUSTANG CREEK 30.5774 -97.4827 0 TCEQ TCEQ
LAKE DUNLAP DAM TX H Non-failure 05/14/2019 Unknown Gate/valve Failure TX01602-3287 SPILLWAY GATE FAILED S RE HR Y 41 ft 14330 ac-ft 410 acres 1928 TX01602 GUADALUPE RIVER 29.654 -98.0663 0 TCEQ TCEQ
LAKE WOOD DAM TX H Non-failure 03/10/2016 Unknown Gate/valve Failure TX01913-3288 SPILLWAY GATE FAILED S RE HR Y 42 ft 27450 ac-ft 488 acres 1931 TX01913 GUADALUPE RIVER 29.4684 -97.4921 0 TCEQ TCEQ
COTTON LAKE DAM TX L Failure 05/17/2018 Unknown Unknown TX02845-3290 BREACHED P RE S NR 16 ft 96 ac-ft 10 acres 1970 TX02845 TR-CANEY CREEK 32.5709 -95.9518 0 TCEQ TCEQ
CANTRELL LAKE DAM TX L Failure 05/17/2018 Unknown Unknown TX02805-3291 BREACHED P RE S NR 18 ft 137 ac-ft 12 acres 1972 TX02805 TR-HORSLEY CREEK 32.4586 -95.6248 0 TCEQ TCEQ
CADENHEAD DAM TX Non-failure 12/28/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX07536-3292 PIPING FAILURE DID NOT BREACH THE DAM RE 21 ft 43 ac-ft 0 acres 0 TX07536 0 0 0 TCEQ
LEISURE LAKE TN H Non-failure 02/22/2023 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Spillway Pipe Failure TN07107-3515 Dam owner altered spillway without approval. Seepage developed around abanonded spillway and led to excessive piping. No 0 0 None Owner notified Safe Dams staff the day after. Notice of Violation issued and dam must remain breached until Engineer submits corretive action plan. P RE R Y 32 ft 83 ac-ft 6 acres 1999 TN07107 TRIBHOUSTON BRANCH 35.0292 -88.2458 0 TENN SAFE DAMS PRG 2 days Yes TN Safe Dams Y
HADDOCK DAM TX Non-failure 01/02/2019 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX07538-3293 SPILLWAY FAILURE RE 12 ft 53 ac-ft 0 acres 0 TX07538 0 0 0 TCEQ
DAM AT HLE TX Non-failure 05/01/2019 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX07552-3294 SPILLWAY FAILURE RE 19 ft 57 ac-ft 0 acres 0 TX07552 0 0 0 TCEQ
LAWLER DAM TX Non-failure 10/01/2018 Unknown Overtopping TX09730-3295 OVERTOPPED, DID NOT FAIL. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE DAMAGE RE 9 ft 20 ac-ft 0 acres 0 TX09730 0 0 0 TCEQ
TOWSON DAM TX Non-failure 12/28/2018 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX09733-3296 SPILLWAY DAMAGE RE 15 ft 42 ac-ft 0 acres 0 TX09733 0 0 0 TCEQ
CLOVER DAM VA S Non-failure 06/03/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion VA003162-3297 Overtopping of dam, severe erosion of downstream face of dam. No 0 P RE R Y 23 ft 98 ac-ft 7 acres 0 VA003162 TR-IVY CREEK 38.0622 -78.5829 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
FLATROCK POND DAM VA U Non-failure 10/08/2016 Hydrologic/flooding Unknown VA025005-3298 Matthew No 0 From Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. Met with VDOT personnel about emergency repairs/alterations on 05/30/18. P RE R N 14 ft 91 ac-ft 9 acres 0 VA025005 FLATROCK BRANCH OF REEDY CREEK - VAHU6 CM18 REEDY CREEK 36.8121 -77.7596 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
ALLEN LAKE DAM VA U Non-failure 05/17/2018 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting VA029050-3299 Loss of emergency spillway , loss of lake volume. No 0 P RE R N 24 ft 91 ac-ft 9 acres 0 VA029050 37.5636 -78.403 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
LAUREL CREEK DAM VA U Non-failure 03/14/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion VA077004-3300 Dam had overtopped and came very close to failing.   The overtopping was several inches deep over 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the dam.   Head cutting erosion started in several places at the toe of the dam.    0 The excellent grass cover kept the dam from failing by overtopping erosion being much slower with the excellent grass cover. Original botton drain pipe and prinicipal spillway riser are gone. Single spillway culvert at full capacity at inlet and within P RE R N 24 ft 124 ac-ft 10 acres 1974 VA077004 LAUREL CREEK 36.7242 -81.3635 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
EDMUNDS LAKE VA L Non-failure 10/23/2018 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting VA083039-3301 Dam sustained major erosion into noncompetent Rock in Auxiliary Spillway 0 S RE R N 28 ft 358 ac-ft 26 acres 0 VA083039 NONE 36.7148 -78.6901 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
CANTERBURY DAM VA H Non-failure 05/18/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping VA087002-3302 overtopping of dam/damage to road No 0 L RE R Y 13 ft 162 ac-ft 11 acres 0 VA087002 37.6024 -77.6062 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
CANTERBURY DAM VA H Non-failure 12/12/2018 Malfunction Of Equipment/gate Accident Or Misoperation Erosion VA087002-3303 Dam experienced internal erosion away from edges and was subsequently excavated tor repair watermain break and later backfilled. No 0 L RE R Y 13 ft 162 ac-ft 11 acres 0 VA087002 37.6024 -77.6062 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
BEAVER CREEK DAM VA H Non-failure 05/21/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Chute Failure VA089003-3304 Damage due to excessive rain. Unable to maintain the lower pool level of 18” down from crest of their concrete spillway, and water is again flowing through their damaged concrete spillway. Voids under the concrete spillway and heaved slab sections on th No 0 It was then found that even with flows as low as 0.5 CFS (about 225 gallons per minute)in the spillway there was continual and significant amounts of subslab base material from under the spillway concrete spillway eroding out and depositing into the plun L RE S Y 70 ft 6603 ac-ft 206 acres 0 VA089003 BEAVER CREEK 36.7433 -79.875 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
KELLAM DAM VA U Non-failure 05/09/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure VA131004-3305 Report of failed dam components (riser/barrel) from dam owner and county. Decrease in normal pool lake level. Dam did not fail. No 0 P RE I N 10 ft 251 ac-ft 0 acres 1960 VA131004 TR-THE GULF 37.3695 -75.9825 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
SPOTSWOOD DRIVE DAM VA L Non-failure 08/01/2018 Manmade Action Accident Or Misoperation VA137015-3306 Owner cut notch in dam with Track Hoe to release high water. No 0 P RE R N 35 ft 270 ac-ft 5 acres 0 VA137015 38.3785 -77.7805 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
DAVIS DAM VA U Non-failure 09/15/2018 Unknown Unknown VA145088-3307 Spillway experienced considerable erosion, seepage detected No 0 P NR 20 ft 106 ac-ft 13 acres 0 VA145088 37.4475 -77.8359 0 VA DCR
GOODWIN DAM VA L Non-failure 10/12/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion VA147005-3308 Downslope earthen embankment erosion due to overtopping. Dam did not fail. No 0 S RE R Y 32 ft 212 ac-ft 11 acres 0 VA147005 TR-SANDY RIVER 37.1753 -78.2815 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
GARLAND MILLPOND DAM VA L Non-failure 10/15/2018 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting VA159002-3309 Emergency spillway suffered erosion damage No 0 P RE R Y 16 ft 672 ac-ft 56 acres 0 VA159002 MARSHY SWAMP 37.9588 -76.7062 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
COLLEGE LAKE DAM VA H Non-failure 08/03/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping VA680002-3310 From overtopping and evacuation event on August 2-3, 2018. Dam did not fail. Yes 0 L RE CR Y 35 ft 710 ac-ft 15 acres 0 VA680002 BLACKWATER CREEK - VAHU6 JM10 - BLACKWATER CREEK 37.4016 -79.184 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
LAKE SUMMIT DAM VA Non-failure 08/03/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Erosion/head Cutting VA680003-3311 Auxiliary (emergency) spillway erosion from heavy rainfall event in greater Lynchburg area on August 2-3, 2018. Dam did not fail. No 0 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA680003 0 0 0 VA DCR
CHAPEL LAKE DAM VA H Non-failure 02/07/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Riser Failure VA059015-3312 Auxiliary (emergency) spillway erosion from heavy rainfall event in greater Lynchburg area on August 2-3, 2018. Dam did not fail. No 0 Lake water was released through the internal pipe in the dam to the downstream and lake level was lowered. The dam didn't break. Fairfax County opened the low level drain and drained the lake to remove the hazard. N 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA059015 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
REEDY MILLPOND DAM VA U Non-failure 05/21/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Erosion/head Cutting VA003016-3313  water levels breached the dam and damaged the western wingwalls. Dam had high water levels due to recent heavy rains which engaged the primary spillway (right looking downstream) and auxiliary spillway (left looking downstream). Flow in primary spillwa No 0 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA003016 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
ISOM DAM VA H Non-failure 08/02/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping VA035016-3314 Failure due to soil piping and erosion in the center of the dam No 0 N 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA035016 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
SPENCER DAM NE S Failure 03/14/2019 Other Overtopping Other NE00628-3328 Major flood and ice run on the river overtopped the dam and caused failure. Winter Storm Ulmer No 1 1 Bridges Unknown Dam operators attempted to evacuate the individual living just downstream but the home apparently washed away before that happened. 16487 ac-ft At the request of NE DNR and NPPD, ASDSO conducted an investigation of the failure. U RE H NR 45 ft 16487 ac-ft 864 acres 1927 NE00628 NIOBRARA RIVER 42.8088 -98.6566 0 NE DNR 5:15 AM Yes ASDSO Independent Investigation Panel Y
GREENE VALLY SECTION 7 DAM VA L Non-failure 08/19/2018 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure VA079005-3315 Primary spillway pipe failure at base of pipe. 5 foot drop in normal pool No 0 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA079005 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
WEBB/STRICKEN DEER RESERVE DAM VA H Non-failure 01/15/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure VA035017-3316 Pipe failure, significant erosion upstream crest of dam No 0 N 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA035017 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
RAKES TAVERN LP DAM VA U Non-failure 03/19/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Riser Failure Overtopping VA067000-3317 Pond overflow pipe is broken off down in the pond and is stopped up so that it no longer works and is overflowing at the corner of the dam and is flooding roadside. the water flowing over the North corner of the dam appears to be degrading the dam itself 0 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA067000 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
LAKE POWHATAN DAM VA H Non-failure 02/23/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Gate/valve Failure Spillway Pipe Failure VA015506-3318 minor erosion on the upper face of the dam, not the crest, due to a whirlpool created due to a joint failure with the inlet pipe between the bottom drain valve and the dam on the lake side of the dam.  The owners opened the valve to perform maintenance pr 0 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 VA015506 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION VA DCR
SYKESTON DAM ND S Non-failure 09/21/2019 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level Erosion ND00009-3319 Area received 7-9 inches of rain, resulting in very high reservoir levels. Water flowed around the sides of the concrete chute spillway, resulting in some erosion behind one chute wall. No 0 0 0 Roads High flows through the dam's spillway washed out unpaved road below the dam. L RE S Y 27 ft 3790 ac-ft 105 acres 1908 ND00009 PIPESTEM CREEK 47.4845 -99.3967 1936 NDSWC No
COTTONWOOD CREEK DAM ND S Non-failure 04/04/2019 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level ND00011-3320 Spring snowmelt runoff caused flow through the dam's auxiliary spillway. No 0 0 0 None L RE R N 76 ft 16839 ac-ft 494 acres 1973 ND00011 COTTONWOOD CREEK 46.299 -98.2671 1979 NDSWC 1 week No
ELM RIVER NO. 1 ND S Non-failure 04/25/2018 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level ND00041-3321 Spring snowmelt runoff caused flow through the dam's auxiliary spillway. Yes 0 0 0 None L RE C Y 25 ft 5187 ac-ft 48 acres 1964 ND00041 MIDDLE BRANCH ELM RIVER 47.3098 -97.4647 0 NDSWC No
SWAN BUFFALO DET D#12 ND S Non-failure 04/03/2019 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level ND00199-3322 Spring snowmelt runoff caused flow through the dam's auxiliary spillway. No 0 0 0 None L RE C Y 27 ft 1615 ac-ft 29 acres 1960 ND00199 SWAN CREEK 46.9834 -97.3911 0 NDSWC 1 week No
DAVIS FISH DAM ND L Non-failure 04/23/2019 Seepage/internal Erosion Spillway Pipe Failure Piping Sinkhole ND00211-3323 A section of the CMP principal spillway conduit separated near the outlet, resulting in erosion around the outlet and a sinkhole over the outlet. No 0 0 0 Other Access into a recreational area that required driving over the dam was temporarily closed. S RE R NR 30 ft 307 ac-ft 15 acres 1963 ND00211 SPRING CREEK 46.546 -103.658 1985 NDSWC No
DAUB DAM ND S Non-failure 04/10/2018 Seepage/internal Erosion Erosion Piping Excessive/increased Seepage ND00372-3324 Seepage/piping and erosion resulted in a large hole forming around a concrete manhole structure containing the low-level drawdown valve on the downstream slope of the dam embankment. Yes 0 0 0 Other The reservoir was drained until repairs could be made. S RE R Y 79 ft 1346 ac-ft 43 acres 1971 ND00372 MISSOURI-TR 47.2361 -101.223 1987 NDSWC No
CLAYTON COUNTY INTERNATIONAL PARK LAKE DAM GA H Non-failure 12/01/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Other GA03698-3325 Concrete wall of a building built into the dam collapsed from heavy rainfall event in December. L RE R N 19 ft 106 ac-ft 13 acres 1967 GA03698 UNKNOWN 33.5253 -84.3128 2006 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM
GEORGE H SPARKS RESERVOIR DAM #1 GA L Non-failure 01/01/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Chute Failure GA01148-3326 Significant damage to concrete spillway as result of heavy rain event L ER R NR 40 ft 4685 ac-ft 222 acres 1962 GA01148 UNKNOWN 33.7583 -84.6292 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM
GRIGGS LAKE DAM IN H Non-failure 02/25/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure Sinkhole IN00722-3327 Sinkhole is located directly over the CMP principal spillway pipe, bout 1/3 of the way down the back slope of the dam. It is approximately 8 feet in diameter and 8 feet deep to the exposed pipe. Owner immediately started pumping the lake down with a 6 inch pump P RE R NR 22 ft 82 ac-ft 6 acres 1964 IN00722 UNNAMED TRIBUTARY THOMPSON DITCH 39.4406 -87.3558 0 IDNR IDNR
HILLSBORO WI H Non-failure 08/28/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping WI00320-3329 Earthen embankment overtopped causing extreme scour and erosion next to left wing wall Yes L PGRE R Y 24 ft 430 ac-ft 42 acres 1854 WI00320 WEST BRANCH BARABOO R. 43.6487 -90.3374 1967 WIDNR 1 day Unknown WI DNR
CRANBERRY CREEK FLOWAGE WI H Failure 06/17/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping WI00457-3330 Complete failure of left embankment and damage to principal concrete spillway with some uplift Yes 0 0 0 Unknown Roads Damage to county highway immediately downstream. L RE R Y 12 ft 2500 ac-ft 346 acres 1969 WI00457 CRANBERRY CREEK 46.4524 -91.9517 0 WIDNR Unknown WI DNR
RADIGAN WI L Failure 06/17/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Debris Clogging WI00257-3331 Lack of gate operation likely contributed to increased pressure and pool elevation No 0 0 0 0 Dam didn't have an EAP L PGRE R N 12 ft 420 ac-ft 150 acres 1938 WI00257 UPPER TAMARACK RIVER 46.2174 -92.2255 1964 WIDNR Unknown WI DNR
MLSNA WI H Failure 08/28/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Abutment Failure Erosion WI00403-3332 High flows resulted in breach and failure of auxiliary spillway and abutment Yes 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads, Bridges Significant town road, culvert, and bridge damages.  Major streambank, pasture and ag field damages, personal driveways, culverts and fencing. Didn't activate EAP because failure occurred quickly overnight. People were evacuated, numbers unknown. Assuming some wet basements. L RE CD Y 35 ft 257 ac-ft 18 acres 1956 WI00403 TR KNAPP CREEK 43.7122 -90.7524 0 WIDNR 1 day Yes WI DNR
WEST FORK KICKAPOO 1 WI H Non-failure 08/28/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Erosion WI00418-3333 Deep erosional scarp developed along left groin, opposite side of auxiliary spillway Yes 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads, Bridges Significant town road, culvert, and bridge damages.  Major streambank, pasture and ag field damages, personal driveways, culverts and fencing. Didn't activate EAP because failure occurred quickly overnight. People were evacuated, numbers unknown. Assuming some wet basements. L RE CR Y 63 ft 2345 ac-ft 51 acres 1969 WI00418 WEST FORK KICKAPOO 43.6889 -90.7987 2000 WIDNR 1 day Yes WI DNR
CARDINAL LAKE DAM GA L Non-failure 01/01/2019 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure GA00581-3343 Flow through principal spillway displaced outlet end of pipe, creating hole in downstream slope. No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Road over dam closed and temporary repairs done quickly. Lake drain then opened to keep lake low. Auxiliary spillway was already in very poor condition. Program in process of reclassifying the dam. P RE R NR 27 ft 380 ac-ft 34 acres 1959 GA00581 KNOX BRANCH 33.975 -84.13 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Yes GA Safe Dams Program
PENDLETON LAKE DAM GA H Non-failure 12/29/2018 Hydrologic/flooding Debris Clogging Insufficient Spillway Capacity Spillway Pipe Failure GA05300-3344 Amid rampant rains, riser clogged. Debris was cleared, but CMP pipe failed at downstream elbow. No Unknown Unknown Unknown None Unknown Program required lake lowered 4' below NP and affected area taped off. Diesel pumps were employed. Temporarily repaired. Permanent repair plans are currently under Program review. P RE R NR 14 ft 140 ac-ft 13 acres 1991 GA05300 FLAT CREEK 33.4821 -84.5683 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Yes GA Safe Dams Program
Graphic Packaging Sludge Drying Basin Dam GA L Failure 09/29/2019 Unknown Unknown GA00000-3345 Dam was built several months ago without plans. Facility wants to re-build. No 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Facility had an engineer come out for cost estimate to repair and will have more come out. P RE O NR 12 ft 30 ac-ft 1 acres 2019 GA00000 32.78 -83.63 0 Yes GA Safe Dams Program
CHEROKEE COUNTRY CLUB LAKE DAM # 2 MIDDLE LAKE GA H Non-failure 04/19/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Sinkhole Insufficient Spillway Capacity Spillway Pipe Failure GA03845-3346 Amid rampant rains, two sinkholes formed above spillway alignment on downstream slope. Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown None Unknown Program required lake lowered 2' below NP and affected area taped off. 3" pumps were employed. Temporarily repaired. Permanent repair plans are currently under Program review. P RE R Y 33 ft 34 ac-ft 2 acres 1966 GA03845 UNKNOWN 33.9951 -84.3639 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Yes GA Safe Dams Program
HEADS CREEK RESERVOIR DAM GA H Non-failure 04/19/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Erosion/head Cutting High Reservoir Level GA01465-3347 Scour damage due to major rainfall and spillway's left sidewall being overtopped in high flows. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Consultant was hired fairly quickly and called the Program. Consultant inspected the dam on 5/1/19. Program approved temporary plans. Construction completed in 4/20. L RE S Y 31 ft 7588 ac-ft 300 acres 1963 GA01465 HEAD'S CREEK 33.2804 -84.3744 1983 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Unknown GA Safe Dams Program
LAKE ROCKDALE DAM GA H Non-failure 04/30/2019 Hydrologic/flooding Erosion GA01282-3348 Spillway system overwhelmed from heavy rains. Excess flow created erosion along spillway pipe. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Program visited site. P RE R N 33 ft 1579 ac-ft 75 acres 1961 GA01282 UNKNOWN 33.7042 -83.9797 0 GA-SAFE DAMS PROGRAM Unknown GA Safe Dams Program
JORDAN POND DAM NY S Non-failure 01/01/2019 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage Piping Settlement NY13562-3163 Increased seepage at the toe and a depression at the crest were observed. No 0 0 0 0 Water levels at the dam as well as a downstream dam were lowered, and the seepage stopped. The piping appears to have been related to an abanonded pipe in the dam. Report expected from owner's consultant. P CNRE R Y 10 ft 37 ac-ft 11 acres 1986 NY13562 CLOVE CREEK 41.4511 -73.8672 0 NYS DEC 4 weeks NY DEC
LAKE NANCY DAM NY L Non-failure 09/06/2017 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage Piping NY01065-3164 Increased seepage from earth (possibly formerly timber crib) dam. Whirlpool in reservoir. Reservoir was lowered and seepage was sealed with grouting program No Attempt to seal whirlpool were unsuccesful. Lake was drained with pumps and embankment voids were filled with grout L RE R NR 17 ft 1093 ac-ft 62 acres 1977 NY01065 LADMAN CREEK 43.1141 -74.0097 0 NYS DEC 1 week No NY DEC
HOOSAC SCHOOL DAM NY S Non-failure 07/01/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Erosion NY01360-3165 Short, Intense rainfall event caused overtopping of dam and erosion of downstream slope No P RE R Y 25 ft 103 ac-ft 10 acres 1950 NY01360 PINE VALLEY BROOK 42.8557 -73.3452 0 NYS DEC 1 week No NY DEC
PUTNAM LAKE DAM NY H Non-failure 09/08/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Erosion Spillway Pipe Failure NY00090-3167 Galvanized metal pipe that comprised downstream end of LLO was in a severely deteriorated condition. When LLO was activated, seepage out of the pipe eroded the downstream slope of the embankment. Area was excavated and a new pipe was installed downstream of the gate chamber Embankment was backfilled. L RE PR Y 24 ft 2510 ac-ft 232 acres 1931 NY00090 BOG BROOK 41.4575 -73.5433 0 NYS DEC 2 weeks No NY DEC
BELMEAR LAKE CO S Non-failure 05/01/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Piping Sinkhole CO02059-3168 5-foot diamter sinkhole over outlet works. Owner responded and used a siphon to drain the reservoir before it progressed to failure No Reservoir was given zero storage restriction. The outlet works were rehabilitated and reservoir has returned to full storage February 2019. P RE IP Y 30 ft 647 ac-ft 30 acres 1912 CO02059 DISAPPOINTMENT CREEK-TR 37.8136 -108.353 0 DWR No CO DWR
JEFFERSON LAKE CO H Non-failure 06/22/2017 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage Erosion CO00363-3169 Owners staff observed a small whirlpool in the reservoir at the reservoir edge adjacent to the dam. Possible contact erosion PFM. Resulted in an emergecy field investigation and a reservoir storage restriction. Yes restrictred water level and observation Resulted in an emergency field investigation and a reservoir storage restriction. Owner is working with Engineer to develop a repair plan L RE S Y 33 ft 3417 ac-ft 126 acres 1951 CO00363 JEFFERSON CREEK 39.4506 -105.863 0 DWR 14:20 2 days Yes CO DWR
BRISTOL HEAD #1 CO L Non-failure 07/04/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Piping Sinkhole CO00984-3170 Small seep pond below Santa Maria Reservoir with a relatively large outlet conduit. Conduit failed just behind the upstream valve and drained most of the reservoir through the conduit uncontrollably. No Roads work with owner to remove valve and allow reservoir to drain full and stream to run through the conduit until such time as the outlet works can be removed and replaced Currently has zero storage restriction P RE I NR 15 ft 200 ac-ft 16 acres 1921 CO00984 SEEPAGE CREEK 37.75 -107.04 0 DWR No CO DWR
ALBERTA PARK CO H Non-failure 07/18/2017 Manmade Action Other CO00762-3171 While drilling in the embankment with hollow stem augers an apparent connection was made with a pervious seam and elevated pressures associated with the drilling process caused a surge of muddy seepage and an increase in volume of seepage from a know exit point. Yes Drill was stopped, the hole was grouted and the situation returned to "normal". Reservoir was lowered and an emergency seepage collection system and stability butress were constructed. developed a plan to install a filter and butress S RE FR Y 32 ft 812 ac-ft 39 acres 1953 CO00762 PASS CREEK-TR 37.4703 -106.766 0 DWR 2 days Yes CO DWR
QUEEN CO S Non-failure 07/20/2017 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage Erosion CO02026-3172 Owner observed excessive seepage from outlet works headwall. Lowered reservoir and found 2-ft diameter piping hole in embankment. Owner backfilled hole and called an engineer who reported the incident to a dam safety engineer. reservoir restriction ensued No once regulators notified a storage restriction was implemented Restriction still being enforced. Owner working with engineer to develop a repair plan. Likely including a cut and cover outlet replacement in spring 2019 P RE FIR Y 25 ft 32690 ac-ft 1930 acres 1896 CO02026 ARKANSAS RIVER-OS 38.2717 -102.636 0 DWR Yes CO DWR
WILLOW CREEK CO H Non-failure 08/19/2017 Manmade Action Other CO01036-3173 During construction the downstream dewatering pumps quit due to a generator malfunction. Phreatic surface rose and a crack appeared in a construction cut slope on the downstream face. Yes Quickly installed a temporary buttress, got pumps running and initiated a more diligent monitoring plan for the pumps, generators and slopes. Initiated the construction EAP at an unusual condition level. EAP worked well and brought parties together. S RE R Y 100 ft 36900 ac-ft 1011 acres 1966 CO01036 WILLOW CREEK 40.7917 -106.947 0 DWR Yes
SILVER LAKE DAM MO H Non-failure 05/01/2017 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage Erosion MO31851-3174 Elevated seepage rate through dam caused erosion to occur on the face of the dam. No 0 0 0 None None Owners reduced lake level with siphons until repair was made. P RE T Y 80 ft 4900 ac-ft 118 acres 1981 MO31851 DITCH CREEK 38.1893 -90.7567 0 DAM AND RESERVOIR SAFETY PROG 2 weeks No MO DNR
FINGER LAKES DAM SOUTH MO H Non-failure 01/05/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure MO12212-3175 No 0 0 0 None None Owners reduced lake level with siphons until repair was made. S RE R Y 44 ft 585 ac-ft 79 acres 0 MO12212 ROCKY FORK CK. 39.0871 -92.3161 0 DAM AND RESERVOIR SAFETY PROG 2 weeks No MO DNR
SIX MILE - MAIN CO H Non-failure 09/14/2013 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Erosion/head Cutting CO00250-2068 uncontrolled inflows, spillway erosion - Colorado Flooding of 9-13 P RE IR Y 52 ft 2186 ac-ft 124 acres 1892 CO00250 LITTLE DRY CREEK-TR 40.0675 -105.218 0 DWR
VIELE LAKE CO L Non-failure 09/14/2013 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level CO00257-2069 spillway flows (report of dam failing) - Colorado Flooding of 9-13 L RE RFC NR 24 ft 240 ac-ft 20 acres 1967 CO00257 SOUTH BOULDER CREEK-TR 39.9733 -105.249 0 DWR
GAYNOR CO S Non-failure 09/18/2013 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping CO00284-2065 Reported by owner, piping around outlet works. Colorado Flooding of 9-13 L RE IR Y 10 ft 840 ac-ft 70 acres 0 CO00284 BOULDER CREEK-OS 40.1225 -105.11 1960 DWR
GAYNOR CO S Non-failure 11/28/2012 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage CO00284-2089 Previously unobserved seepage form beneath outlet structure. Sealed temporrily and heightened survelience until repairs are made. L RE IR Y 10 ft 840 ac-ft 70 acres 0 CO00284 BOULDER CREEK-OS 40.1225 -105.11 1960 DWR
MONTGOMERY CO H Non-failure 06/05/2013 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage CO00372-2092 New seepage (near 1 cfs) at toe of rockfill dam. Increased monitoring, performed failure modes analysis. It was hypothesized that it was melting ice from within the rockfill of this high altitude dam after an abnormally wet and cold spring. L ER S Y 112 ft 6100 ac-ft 95 acres 1956 CO00372 MIDDLE FORK S. PLATTE 39.3533 -106.074 0 DWR
MANITOU CO H Non-failure 09/18/2013 Seepage/internal Erosion Excessive/increased Seepage CO00426-2071 new seepage reported - Colorado Flooding of 9-13 L RE S Y 124 ft 1100 ac-ft 27 acres 1971 CO00426 NORTH FORK FRENCH CREEK 38.8767 -104.994 1998 DWR
MODEL CO L Failure 08/08/2013 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping CO00542-2091 Embankment failure due to erosion piping. An 8-ft-square erosion pipe formed in the embankment, draining the reservoir but not fully breaching the dam. The failure went unnoticed due to it's remote location and other incidents happening at about the same time. The date of the actual failure is estimated. RE IP NR 39 ft 29943 ac-ft 420 acres 1921 CO00542 BLACK HILLS ARROYO-TR 37.3283 -104.389 0 DWR
OROVILLE CA H Non-failure 02/07/2017 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Erosion CA00035-3097 Service and emergency spillway failures Yes 188000 Unknown None Unknown Long-term systemic failure of the CA DWR, regulatory, and general industry practices to recognize and address inherent spillway design and construction weaknesses, poor bedrock quality, and deteriorated service spillway chute conditions. Reconstruction of the flood constrol spillway completed November 1, 2018. Incident Description from Independent Forensic Team Report, Oroville Dam Spillway Incident, dated January 5, 2018 S ERRE CHIRS Y 770 ft 3540000 ac-ft 15800 acres 1968 CA00035 FEATHER RIVER 39.5388 -121.485 0 DWR, SAFETY OF DAMS 2 days - Evacation order initiated February 12, 2017 and the order lifted February 14, 2017 Yes
TWENTY-THREE MILE DAM NV L Failure 02/08/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Reservoir Overfilling NV00110-3099 rain on snow event that cause widespread flooding of a 680 square mile watershed. Flood overwhelmed the reservoir and spillway. Reservoir was also iced over prior to flood event. No 0 Unknown Unknown Unknown Roads, Railroads Unknown 8700 ac-ft currently under litigation P RE CIP NR 47 ft 8700 ac-ft 100 acres 0 NV00110 THOUSAND SPRINGS CREEK 41.53 -114.363 0 NEVADA DWR Yes
CASSVILLE DAM NJ S Failure 08/27/2011 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping NJ00606-2864 overtopped, embankment failure Irene No 0 Roads 0 ac-ft County Road (embankment) closed P PGRE R Y 6 ft 0 ac-ft 14 acres 0 NJ00606 SMALL BRANCH TOMS RIVER 40.1107 -74.3889 0 NJDEP NJ DEP
LAKE DOWNS DAM TX H Non-failure 08/29/2017 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX00038-2866 SPILLWAY DAMAGE Harvey P RE R N 26 ft 65 ac-ft 3 acres 1963 TX00038 TR-BIG SANDY CREEK 30.6944 -94.74 1983 TCEQ TX CEQ
LAKE DOGWOOD DAM TX L Non-failure 05/30/2016 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX00169-2868 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE P RE R NR 22 ft 664 ac-ft 60 acres 1965 TX00169 TR-HURRICANE CREEK 31.8441 -95.4949 0 TCEQ
VAN LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 12/29/2015 Structural Stability Sliding TX00304-2869 DOWNSTREAM SLOPE SLIDE L RE S NR 36 ft 2050 ac-ft 0 acres 1949 TX00304 TR-VILLAGE CREEK 32.5483 -95.5883 0 TCEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 66 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX00432-2870 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 24 ft 284 ac-ft 12 acres 1964 TX00432 TR-WHITE ROCK CREEK 31.9827 -96.8903 0 TCEQ
LAKE REDSTONE WI H Non-failure 12/07/2015 Structural Stability Cracking WI00707-2853 Rec'd call from local resident about fracture in bedrock at vertical face at principal spillway (see photos). Appears that boulder could break off face. No immediate concerns to dam noted. Recommended Sauk Cnty continue to monitor and will need to reinspect if/when boulder breaks off. See follow-up inspection report. NRCS did conductivity resistance testing in channel from lake to spillway (still awaiting results). L PGRE R Y 50 ft 15200 ac-ft 612 acres 1967 WI00707 BIG CREEK 43.5867 -90.0871 0 WIDNR WI DNR
MULLET CREEK WI L Non-failure 05/28/2015 Seepage/internal Erosion Sinkhole WI00933-2854 seepage noted, sinkhole formed seepage noted, sinkhole formed, ordered drawn down and removed until reconstructed. S RE F N 9 ft 1250 ac-ft 300 acres 1971 WI00933 MULLET 43.7582 -88.176 0 WIDNR WI DNR
MONONAME 352 MO L Non-failure 03/15/2016 Structural Stability Sliding MO30528-2855 land slide on downstream face of dam reported P RE S NR 26 ft 125 ac-ft 9 acres 1970 MO30528 TR JAMES BRANCH 37.7258 -91.2425 0 NONE MO DNR
MIDDLEBROOK DEVELOP. LAKE DAM MO L Non-failure 12/29/2015 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure MO30163-2856 principal spillway pipe partially failed (CMP 20 approximately 20 yrs old) No 0 P RE R N 49 ft 270 ac-ft 18 acres 1971 MO30163 TR-EAST FORK BLACK RIVER 37.5711 -90.8693 2001 DAM AND RESERVOIR SAFETY PROG
DIETRICH RD DAM MO Failure 07/20/2015 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping MO00000-2857 piping occurred around principle spillway eventually eroding a section of the crest of dam above the pipe. county park closed temporarily 0 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 0 MO00000 38.8492 90.9522 0 None
ELEVA ROLLER MILL WI H Non-failure 09/08/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping WI10532-2858 Heavy rain overtopped the dam resulting in scour of the d/s embankment Heavy rain overtopped much of the earthen embankments of this dam and a large scour area developed on the right embankment, downstream side resulting in a loss of cross-sectional area of the dam. PGRE RS N 14 ft 40 ac-ft 5 acres 1877 WI10532 BIG CREEK 44.5769 -91.4683 0 WIDNR WI DNR
MARY A. BOHNKE WY L Failure 05/23/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Pipe Failure Overtopping Piping WY00170-2859 Heavy precipitation and an eroded CMP outlet caused piping overtopping No 0 0 0 0 None 106 ac-ft Heavy precipitation (full reservoir) along with an eroded CMP outlet caused piping and eventual overtopping of the dam. P RE I NR 40 ft 106 ac-ft 9 acres 1954 WY00170 PARADISE CREEK 42.0217 -105.24 0 SEO Wyoming SEO
LAKE ABANAKEE DAM NY L Non-failure 12/20/2016 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping NY00152-2860 high flows resulted in overtopping of sheet pile cofferdam. Piling became unstable and tipped downstream A rehabilitation project was in progress, and part of the construction area was protected by a sheet pile cofferdam. High flows, purportedly enhanced by increased releases from an upstream dam, associated with spring runoff caused the cofferdam to become unstable, tip downstream, and be overtopped. L R N 15 ft 6110 ac-ft 360 acres 1950 NY00152 INDIAN RIVER 43.7983 -74.23 0 NYS DEC NY DEP
LAKE DELHI DAM IA S Failure 06/14/2015 Unknown Under Investigation IA01297-2610 Appeared to have been seepage between the concrete wall and the sheetpiling of the construction cofferdam P PG R NR 55 ft 9920 ac-ft 440 acres 1922 IA01297 MAQUOKETA RIVER 42.4081 -91.3454 0 IOWA DNR Y
TRENTON LOWER LAKE DAM MO H Non-failure 07/22/2015 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Animal Activity Excessive/increased Seepage MO10366-2611 Seepage due to animal burrows No 0 0 0 0 In about 3 days the seepage had gone from no flow to 5 gpm to 20 gpm. A cut-off trench filled with clay/bentonite worked completely shutting off the seepage. P RE R NR 20 ft 1314 ac-ft 105 acres 1963 MO10366 TR MUDDY CREEK 40.0798 -93.5887 0 NONE No MO DNR Y
BASTROP STATE PARK DAM TX L Failure 05/23/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX02717-2612 Severe storms caused the dam to overtop and fail 0 0 0 0 rainfall event began around 4 pm on May 25, dropping about 4 to 5 inches of rain in Travis and Bastrop Counties in about 2 hours S RE R NR 18 ft 110 ac-ft 0 acres 1913 TX02717 TR-COPPERAS CREEK 30.1124 -97.277 1935 TCEQ Yes GEER Report Y
EAGLE CREEK RESERVOIR DAM IN H Non-failure 07/14/2015 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level IN00084-2613 Severe storms led to rising lake levels and gate opening Yes L CN C Y 92 ft 110000 ac-ft 1350 acres 1967 IN00084 EAGLE CREEK 39.825 -86.3075 0 IDNR IN DNR Y
FOREST LAKE DAM IN H Non-failure 07/14/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency IN00747-2614 Heavy rains over 24 hours caused damage to the principal spillway and the dam was in a slow state of progressive failure One of the owners hired an engineer to begin directing emergency actions and a contractor was hired to begin lowering the emergency spillway about 3 feet so that no water could flow through the old damaged principal spillway P RE N 19 ft 55 ac-ft 5 acres 1965 IN00747 UNNAMED TRIBUTARY WHITE LICK CREEK 39.755 -86.4083 0 IDNR No IN DNR Y
SCNONAME 02027 SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00312-2615 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 17 ft 308 ac-ft 35 acres 1955 SC00312 HOLLOW CREEK 33.6467 -81.2117 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 02019 SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00305-2616 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 14 ft 85 ac-ft 12 acres 1945 SC00305 GOODLAND CREEK 33.595 -81.2867 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
PEDDY LAKE DAM TX S Failure 09/15/2009 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX07299-2717 OVERTOPPING, BREACHED P RE N 20 ft 96 ac-ft 12 acres 1997 TX07299 UN TR-SOUTH FORK 32.9279 -95.2115 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE CONNIE JEAN DAM TX L Non-failure 09/13/2008 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00040-2718 S.S. FAILED, DID NOT BREACH P RE RP NR 20 ft 280 ac-ft 23 acres 1965 TX00040 WILLIAMS CREEK 30.5168 -94.8099 1988 TCEQ TX DEQ
BLAND LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 03/30/2008 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03968-2719 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH P RE R NR 12 ft 150 ac-ft 29 acres 1890 TX03968 AYISH BAYOU 31.5889 -94.1114 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RHINES RESERVOIR DAM TX L Non-failure 01/01/2008 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX02803-2720 PIPING P RE S NR 22 ft 2949 ac-ft 300 acres 1948 TX02803 NECHES RIVER 32.4961 -95.6764 2010 TCEQ TX DEQ
ANDERSON-RAINES DAM TX L Non-failure 08/03/2007 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX07259-2721 S.S. FAILED, DID NOT BREACH P RE NR 20 ft 134 ac-ft 5 acres 1987 TX07259 TR-DRY HOLLOW 30.9145 -97.1999 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
NEAR KIM LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 07/18/2007 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00103-2722 S.S. FAILED, DID NOT BREACH P RE R Y 19 ft 293 ac-ft 18 acres 1963 TX00103 TR-LAKE CREEK 30.2923 -95.7233 2010 TCEQ TX DEQ
PESSINK LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 07/08/2007 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX07255-2723 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH P RE R Y 17 ft 50 ac-ft 7 acres 1800 TX07255 TR-RODDY BRANCH 32.2065 -95.2822 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
HIGHLAND CLUB DAM TX L Non-failure 07/01/2007 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03995-2724 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 17 ft 412 ac-ft 50 acres 1919 TX03995 TR-ARTHUR REEVES BRANCH 32.9408 -94.9858 2007 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE O THE WOODS DAM TX L Non-failure 07/01/2007 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX04240-2725 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 16 ft 191 ac-ft 12 acres 1957 TX04240 HIGHLAND POND BRANCH 32.6475 -95.2786 2008 N TX DEQ
MEADOW WOOD LAKE NO 3 DAM TX S Non-failure 07/01/2007 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX06890-2726 PIPING P RE R Y 15 ft 223 ac-ft 9 acres 1950 TX06890 TR-BACHELOR CREEK 32.6789 -96.3036 2008 TCEQ TX DEQ
GABRIELS OVERLOOK DAM TX H Non-failure 06/28/2007 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX07254-2727 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH P RE Y 25 ft 114 ac-ft 11 acres 1964 TX07254 TRIBUTARY OF SAN GABRIEL RIVER 30.6195 -97.8003 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
CHACON DAM TX H Non-failure 06/18/2007 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX01783-2728 S.S. FAILED L RE I N 15 ft 2312 ac-ft 107 acres 1912 TX01783 CHACON CREEK 29.2366 -98.8739 0 N TX DEQ
DOGWOOD LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 11/01/2006 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00029-2729 S.S. FAILED, DID NOT BREACH P RE R NR 32 ft 209 ac-ft 13 acres 1965 TX00029 TR-CHOATES CREEK 30.725 -94.8771 2007 TCEQ TX DEQ
JOHN MAY DAM NO 2 TX S Non-failure 07/01/2005 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping Animal Activity TX06389-2730 PIPING, ANIMAL BURROWS P RE N 15 ft 66 ac-ft 11 acres 1945 TX06389 TR-TANKERSLEY CREEK 33.1813 -95.0011 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
CALLAWAY DAM TX L Non-failure 05/13/2004 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX02133-2731 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 20 ft 298 ac-ft 25 acres 1961 TX02133 TR-LITTLE PIN OAK CREEK 30.9199 -96.5468 2006 TCEQ TX DEQ
MCGUIRE LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 05/13/2004 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX02134-2732 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 15 ft 360 ac-ft 38 acres 1961 TX02134 LITTLE PIN OAK CREEK 30.9151 -96.5518 0 N TX DEQ
COMANCHE CREEK DAM TX H Non-failure 04/04/2004 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX02127-2733 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH L RE I N 22 ft 1113 ac-ft 100 acres 1955 TX02127 COMANCHE CREEK 30.8747 -102.878 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE CHARMAINE DAM TX L Non-failure 03/14/2004 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX03755-2734 PIPING L RE R Y 24 ft 700 ac-ft 88 acres 1965 TX03755 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.6738 -94.4014 2004 TCEQ TX DEQ
JC WEBB DAM TX L Non-failure 07/05/2002 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX04697-2735 OVERTOPPING P RE P NR 19 ft 53 ac-ft 6 acres 1967 TX04697 TR-LEON CREEK 29.7143 -98.6722 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
CAMP LA JUNTA DAM TX S Non-failure 05/01/2000 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX09244-2736 OVERTOPPING P CNRE R Y 11 ft 25 ac-ft 3 acres 1978 TX09244 SOUTH FORK GUADALUPE RIVER 30.0679 -99.3349 2005 TCEQ TX DEQ
MOSS CREEK LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 02/23/2000 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX03798-2737 SPWY FAILURE L RE SR Y 67 ft 5700 ac-ft 146 acres 1939 TX03798 MOSS CREEK TRIBUTARY TO BEALS CREEK 32.2436 -101.311 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
POWELL LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 02/23/2000 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03797-2738 OVERTOPPING L RE SP NR 35 ft 2988 ac-ft 0 acres 1939 TX03797 POWELL CREEK 32.2093 -101.269 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE DONNA DAM TX L Non-failure 04/03/1999 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX00036-2739 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 21 ft 145 ac-ft 5 acres 1963 TX00036 TR-WEST FORK DOUBLE BRANCH 30.6864 -94.756 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE JOBE DAM TX L Non-failure 04/03/1999 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX04237-2740 OVERTOPPING P RE RP NR 12 ft 63 ac-ft 8 acres 1963 TX04237 TR-CHOATES CREEK 30.7087 -94.8888 0 N TX DEQ
JAN LAND COMPANY LAKE NO 1 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/17/1998 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX01580-2741 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 20 ft 206 ac-ft 13 acres 1967 TX01580 TR-BRUSHY CREEK 30.0095 -97.7982 0 N TX DEQ
CASA MONTE DAM TX L Non-failure 01/01/1997 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX07035-2742 OVRTPG/UNDRMNG P RE NR 15 ft 334 ac-ft 56 acres 1993 TX07035 NUECES RIVER 28.6057 -99.7697 0 N TX DEQ
HOLLAND DAM SITE A TX L Non-failure 01/01/1997 Structural Stability Cracking TX02021-2743 FRACTURED L CB I NR 13 ft 700 ac-ft 0 acres 1911 TX02021 NUECES RIVER 28.3016 -99.1397 0 N TX DEQ
BIG LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03753-2744 OVERTOPPING P RE ISR Y 21 ft 357 ac-ft 22 acres 1949 TX03753 TR-MAGNUS BRANCH 30.6938 -94.423 1997 TCEQ TX DEQ
BOYKIN LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03751-2745 OVERTOPPING P RE IR NR 14 ft 195 ac-ft 0 acres 1976 TX03751 MANGUS BRANCH 30.7212 -94.4486 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
EAST LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03754-2746 OVERTOPPING P RE ISR Y 22 ft 327 ac-ft 19 acres 1949 TX03754 TR-MAGNUS BRANCH 30.6995 -94.4207 1997 TCEQ TX DEQ
ELECTRO LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03762-2747 OVERTOPPING P RE R Y 12 ft 50 ac-ft 9 acres 1927 TX03762 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.7266 -94.448 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE CHARMAINE DAM TX L Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03755-2748 OVERTOPPING L RE R Y 24 ft 700 ac-ft 88 acres 1965 TX03755 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.6738 -94.4014 2004 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE GALAHAD DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03757-2749 OVERTOPPING L RE R Y 11 ft 730 ac-ft 0 acres 1958 TX03757 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.6745 -94.4206 2009 TCEQ TX DEQ
SUTTON LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03763-2750 OVERTOPPING P RE R N 13 ft 210 ac-ft 41 acres 1915 TX03763 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.7031 -94.4475 2000 TCEQ TX DEQ
TWIN LAKES DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03766-2751 OVERTOPPING P RE S NR 10 ft 125 ac-ft 25 acres 1915 TX03766 MANGUS BRANCH 30.7147 -94.4514 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
HEARN DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX09407-2752 OVERTOPPING P RE R Y 17 ft 68 ac-ft 0 acres 1800 TX09407 MAGNUS BRANCH 30.7407 -94.4424 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
WEST LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 09/27/1996 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03752-2753 OVERTOPPING P RE ISR Y 24 ft 360 ac-ft 20 acres 1949 TX03752 TR-MAGNUS BRANCH 30.7002 -94.426 1997 TCEQ TX DEQ
ROBERTS TANK DAM TX L Non-failure 07/14/1996 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX01961-2754 INTERNAL EROSION P RE C NR 20 ft 560 ac-ft 0 acres 1938 TX01961 SAN FELIPE ARROYO 31.5887 -106.107 0 N TX DEQ
BEARFOOT LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 10/17/1994 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting TX03916-2755 E.S. BREACH P RE R N 27 ft 3207 ac-ft 0 acres 1964 TX03916 MILL CREEK 30.4819 -94.7734 0 N TX DEQ
CADE LAKE NUMBER 3 DAM TX S Non-failure 10/17/1994 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX04210-2756 S.S. FAILED L RE R N 20 ft 584 ac-ft 0 acres 1972 TX04210 SECOND DAVIDSON CREEK 30.5039 -96.7656 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE TINKLE DAM TX L Non-failure 10/17/1994 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting TX03876-2757 E.S. FAILED P RE R NR 20 ft 280 ac-ft 35 acres 1949 TX03876 TR-WANDERS CREEK 31.7697 -94.4845 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RANNEFELD DAM TX S Non-failure 10/17/1994 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX06922-2758 PIPING AT S.S. P RE Y 16 ft 115 ac-ft 7 acres 1994 TX06922 TR-DECKER BRANCH 30.1497 -95.6966 1995 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE MARY DAM TX L Non-failure 06/21/1993 Structural Stability Erosion TX04862-2759 EROSION D/S SLP P RE R NR 28 ft 370 ac-ft 21 acres 1945 TX04862 RUCKER BRANCH 31.6945 -95.5461 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE ROMAN DAM TX L Non-failure 06/20/1993 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03528-2760 OVERTOPPING P RE P NR 23 ft 300 ac-ft 26 acres 1935 TX03528 TR-BEARD BRANCH 32.1947 -94.6472 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
PIPES DAM NO 1 TX S Non-failure 06/20/1993 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX09292-2761 OVERTOPPING P RE P N 17 ft 30 ac-ft 4 acres 1953 TX09292 TR-BEANS CREEK 31.8054 -95.1914 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RUSK ORE MINE DAM TX L Non-failure 06/20/1993 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX00589-2762 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH L RE R NR 23 ft 680 ac-ft 0 acres 1953 TX00589 TR-BEANS CREEK 31.8003 -95.1967 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
BLACKBURN LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 01/01/1993 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00970-2764 SPWY FAILURE P RE R NR 18 ft 137 ac-ft 12 acres 1950 TX00970 CONNER SPRING BRANCH 31.3741 -94.8517 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
SPRING LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 10/09/1992 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00124-2765 SERVICE SPWY P RE R Y 23 ft 255 ac-ft 14 acres 1952 TX00124 TR-CANEY CREEK 30.4049 -95.3824 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
JDM LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 01/10/1992 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure TX00171-2766 CONDUIT HOLE P RE RP NR 30 ft 1500 ac-ft 88 acres 1953 TX00171 WOLF CREEK 32.0231 -95.7178 2012 TCEQ TX DEQ
CADE LAKE NUMBER 3 DAM TX S Non-failure 12/01/1991 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX04210-2767 S.S. FAILED L RE R N 20 ft 584 ac-ft 0 acres 1972 TX04210 SECOND DAVIDSON CREEK 30.5039 -96.7656 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE CENTER DAM TX S Non-failure 08/04/1991 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00309-2768 SPWY COLLAPSE L RE S Y 17 ft 1825 ac-ft 93 acres 1953 TX00309 MILL CREEK 31.7383 -94.16 1993 TCEQ TX DEQ
LAKE DOWNS DAM TX H Non-failure 02/01/1991 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00038-2769 SPWY WASHOUT P RE R N 26 ft 65 ac-ft 3 acres 1963 TX00038 TR-BIG SANDY CREEK 30.6944 -94.74 1983 TCEQ TX DEQ
BUESCHER STATE PARK LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 01/28/1991 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX02711-2770 PIPING S RE R N 26 ft 250 ac-ft 0 acres 1936 TX02711 HUNT BRANCH 30.0421 -97.1584 1993 TCEQ TX DEQ
HARALSON LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 01/01/1991 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX00517-2771 SPWY FAILURE P RE P NR 16 ft 130 ac-ft 13 acres 1957 TX00517 TR-VILLAGE CREEK 30.9274 -95.382 0 N TX DEQ
WHITE OAK DAM TX L Non-failure 07/18/1990 Unknown Spillway Erosion/head Cutting TX03294-2772 E.S. BREACH P RE R NR 21 ft 5600 ac-ft 212 acres 1970 TX03294 LICK CREEK 33.2873 -95.1451 2003 TCEQ TX DEQ
CADE LAKE NUMBER 3 DAM TX S Non-failure 04/25/1990 Unknown Spillway Deficiency TX04210-2773 S.S. FAILED L RE R N 20 ft 584 ac-ft 0 acres 1972 TX04210 SECOND DAVIDSON CREEK 30.5039 -96.7656 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
NABORS LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 04/25/1990 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03465-2774 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 33 ft 595 ac-ft 41 acres 1947 TX03465 FADE CREEK 32.123 -98.6038 1991 TCEQ TX DEQ
LOST CREEK DAM TX S Non-failure 01/01/1990 Structural Stability Sliding TX06399-2776 LARGE SLIDE L RE S Y 99 ft 21831 ac-ft 0 acres 1991 TX06399 LOST CREEK 33.2404 -98.1203 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
PINO LAKE DAM TX S Non-failure 06/15/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03480-2778 OVERTOPPING P RE N 33 ft 250 ac-ft 22 acres 1968 TX03480 TR-SABANA RIVER 32.1681 -98.6749 2005 TCEQ TX DEQ
WILLOW LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 06/04/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03541-2779 OVERTOPPING L RE O NR 19 ft 638 ac-ft 46 acres 1914 TX03541 SHAWNEE CREEK 32.15 -94.7842 0 N TX DEQ
RAYMOND BLAIR DAM TX S Non-failure 05/08/1989 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX06450-2781 INTERNAL EROSION P RE O N 26 ft 80 ac-ft 1 acres 1986 TX06450 LITTLE SILVER CREEK 32.8258 -97.6353 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
CHARLES FROST DAM TX L Non-failure 05/05/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX06443-2782 OVERTOPPED P RE NR 25 ft 0 ac-ft 0 acres 1800 TX06443 PATRICK CREEK 32.7257 -97.8913 0 N TX DEQ
HARRIS BACK LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 03/29/1989 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping TX04877-2783 INTERNAL EROSION P RE R N 17 ft 214 ac-ft 15 acres 1900 TX04877 TR-PARKER CREEK 32.5574 -94.3443 2006 TCEQ TX DEQ
HIGHWAY LAKE DAM A TX S Non-failure 03/29/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03575-2784 OVERTOPPING P RE R Y 12 ft 75 ac-ft 4 acres 1925 TX03575 TR-CLARKS CREEK 32.5065 -94.6162 1989 TCEQ TX DEQ
RUSK ORE MINE DAM TX L Non-failure 03/29/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX00589-2785 OVERTOPPING, DID NOT BREACH L RE R NR 23 ft 680 ac-ft 0 acres 1953 TX00589 TR-BEANS CREEK 31.8003 -95.1967 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
NIX LAKE DAM TX L Non-failure 03/29/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03546-2786 OVERTOPPING P RE R NR 23 ft 837 ac-ft 135 acres 1940 TX03546 WASSON BRANCH 32.2498 -94.6545 0 N TX DEQ
BEARFOOT LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 01/01/1989 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03916-2787 OVERTOPPING P RE R N 27 ft 3207 ac-ft 0 acres 1964 TX03916 MILL CREEK 30.4819 -94.7734 0 N TX DEQ
LAKE EANES DAM TX S Non-failure 06/01/1988 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03492-2788 OVERTOPPED P RE I Y 35 ft 2215 ac-ft 124 acres 1926 TX03492 MERCER CREEK 31.8528 -98.6182 1988 TCEQ TX DEQ
HURST CREEK DAM NO 1 TX L Non-failure 05/29/1987 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX06337-2790 OVERTOPPED P RE R NR 24 ft 87 ac-ft 0 acres 1968 TX06337 HURST CREEK 30.3527 -97.9867 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
COMANCHE TRAIL LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 08/30/1986 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03799-2791 OVERTOPPED L RE R Y 19 ft 520 ac-ft 22 acres 1914 TX03799 BIG SPRING DRAW 32.2249 -101.471 1988 TCEQ TX DEQ
BEARFOOT LAKE DAM TX H Non-failure 06/26/1986 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping TX03916-2792 OVERTOPPING P RE R N 27 ft 3207 ac-ft 0 acres 1964 TX03916 MILL CREEK 30.4819 -94.7734 0 N TX DEQ
ABLE/COBETT POND DAM SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00370-2617 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 10 ft 58 ac-ft 11 acres 1955 SC00370 LITTLE HOLLOW CREEK 33.6217 -81.2333 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 14001 SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00718-2618 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 15 ft 263 ac-ft 36 acres 1900 SC00718 MILL BRANCH 33.8133 -80.09 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 16006 SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00612-2620 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 20 ft 357 ac-ft 28 acres 1957 SC00612 SEED BRANCH 34.42 -79.9417 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
COOK POND DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC01488-2621 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 13 ft 53 ac-ft 7 acres 1963 SC01488 TR-KELLY CREEK 34.1517 -80.775 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
LEXINGTON MILL POND DAM SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00143-2622 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 20 ft 440 ac-ft 28 acres 1900 SC00143 TWELVEMILE CREEK 33.9767 -81.23 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
GIBSON'S POND DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00169-2623 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. L RE R Y 15 ft 240 ac-ft 28 acres 1900 SC00169 TWELVE MILE CREEK 33.9683 -81.2433 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 32008 SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00148-2624 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. L RE R Y 14 ft 359 ac-ft 64 acres 1900 SC00148 TWELVE MILE CREEK 33.9583 -81.26 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
WALDEN PLACE POND SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00073-2636 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 25 ft 280 ac-ft 8 acres 1950 SC00073 SPEARS CK 34.1167 -80.8467 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
PINEWOOD LAKE DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00055-2637 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 14 ft 263 ac-ft 35 acres 1900 SC00055 MILL CK 33.9433 -80.91 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
COVINGTONS LAKE DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00079-2638 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 16 ft 76 ac-ft 10 acres 1950 SC00079 ROBERTS BRANCH 34.135 -80.975 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
MURRAY POND DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00051-2639 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 16 ft 1310 ac-ft 148 acres 1930 SC00051 COLONELS CK 33.985 -80.7083 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
WILSON MILLPOND DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00059-2640 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 14 ft 134 ac-ft 20 acres 1960 SC00059 JUMPING RUN CK 34 -80.7417 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
WESTONS POND DAM SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00056-2641 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 13 ft 324 ac-ft 40 acres 1932 SC00056 TOMS CREEK 33.8833 -80.7683 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
DUFFIES POND DAM SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00064-2642 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 14 ft 720 ac-ft 120 acres 1967 SC00064 CEDAR CREEK 33.8417 -80.8517 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
ELLERBEES MILLPOND DAM SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC01404-2643 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 7 ft 151 ac-ft 42 acres 1830 SC01404 RAFTING CREEK 34.0683 -80.5317 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 31009 SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00498-2644 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE I Y 15 ft 312 ac-ft 24 acres 1930 SC00498 TURKEY CREEK 0 0 1998 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
FINCH'S MILLPOND NC S Failure 11/28/2015 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Erosion NC00891-2645 Erosion over the years led to collapse of a portion of the dam Co. EMA said poor maintenance over the years led to erosion to the point where a portion of the dam collapsed. The County EMA Director indicated pond has drained into the creek below P RE R N 15 ft 469 ac-ft 0 acres 1924 NC00891 BLOOMERY SWAMP 35.763 -77.997 0 NCDENR Local News Source The Wilson Times Y
SCNONAME 38070 SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00447-2626 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 14 ft 87 ac-ft 12 acres 1960 SC00447 SALEM CREEK 33.6367 -81.16 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 38066 SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00444-2627 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 13 ft 182 ac-ft 25 acres 1960 SC00444 TAMPA CREEK 33.5333 -81.2367 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 38036 SC L Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00419-2628 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 10 ft 181 ac-ft 32 acres 1960 SC00419 BROWNING BRANCH 33.5217 -80.515 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 40005 SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00050-2629 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 20 ft 960 ac-ft 68 acres 1938 SC00050 JACKSON CREEK 34.0483 -80.9583 1988 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 40027 SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00070-2630 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 20 ft 297 ac-ft 25 acres 1955 SC00070 GILLS CK 34.04 -80.9517 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 40026 SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00069-2631 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 20 ft 230 ac-ft 21 acres 1900 SC00069 GILLS CREEK 34.0367 -80.955 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
WILDEWOOD POND #2 SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00100-2632 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 24 ft 281 ac-ft 27 acres 1963 SC00100 TR-JACKSON CK 34.0967 -80.8867 2010 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SCNONAME 40002 SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00047-2633 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R N 10 ft 260 ac-ft 32 acres 1900 SC00047 CRANE CREEK 34.115 -80.9833 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
ULMERS POND DAM SC H Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00065-2634 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 17 ft 96 ac-ft 17 acres 1940 SC00065 TR-MILL CK 33.9683 -80.8967 1994 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
SUNVIEW LAKE DAM SC S Failure 10/04/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping SC00067-2635 Heavy rains-as much as 16 inches caused several dams to overtop and fail. P RE R Y 11 ft 234 ac-ft 45 acres 1949 SC00067 MILL CK 33.9667 -80.9117 0 SCDHEC SC DHEC Website
CRESCENT LAKE DAM FL L Failure 04/29/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping FL00058-2650 20” or more of rain causing the Dam to overtop. An area approximately 200’ long on the west end of the Dam was totally breached causing most of the water to drain from the lake. The breached Dam deposited sediment and debris into the adjacent wetlands to the south of the Dam. The water overtopped Michigan Avenue to the south of the Dam. P RE RS N 16 ft 396 ac-ft 0 acres 1960 FL00058 BAYOU MARCUS 30.46 -87.27 0 FL DEP Y
LONG LAKE DAM AK L Non-failure 09/11/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Gate/valve Failure AK00044-2651 Heavy rain event (7.73 in 24 hrs & 2.8 in earlier in the week) resulted in a rainfall induced flood event during which a section of the wooden flashboards failed. 0 0 0 0 “The flashboards include a 20ft.x1ft. notch, near the south end of the dam, that will pass a nominal flow of 75 cfs. All additional flows will overtop the flashboards along the length of the dam. Based on the 1999 stability analysis, the flashboards are expected to fail at flood flows above 4500 cfs. This is a storm with a return interval of 10 years. The dam is located in a very remote area and there is no development downstream of the dam. U CNPG H NR 30 ft 147000 ac-ft 1375 acres 1973 AK00044 LONG RIVER 58.1667 -133.733 0 AKDNR Yes AK DNR Y
SHREVE LAKE DAM OH H Non-failure 09/01/2014 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure Sinkhole OH00436-2652 Sink hole discovered on downstream slope directly over the principal spillway pipe. Bad joint. Lake drained until repairs can be made. No 0 0 0 0 S RE R Y 25 ft 855 ac-ft 59 acres 1962 OH00436 TRIBUTARY TO SHREVE CREEK 40.68 -82.04 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
FINDLAY UPGROUND RESERVOIR NO. 2 OH H Non-failure 07/01/2014 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure OH00782-2653 Wet area noted at the downstream toe. Leak in the resevoir fill line. No 0 0 0 0 L RE S Y 32 ft 19478 ac-ft 624 acres 1971 OH00782 BLANCHARD RIVER - OFFSTREAM 41.01 -83.57 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
LAKE BRUNSWICK DAM OH H Non-failure 05/01/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping OH00623-2654 Overtopping event for an RCC covered dam. No 0 0 0 0 L RE R Y 16 ft 133 ac-ft 13 acres 1930 OH00623 PLUM CREEK 41.23 -81.81 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
CAROL-JANE LAKE DAM OH S Non-failure 05/01/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping Spillway Erosion/head Cutting OH01062-2655 Two minor overtopping events for the dam. Severe erosion in the emergency spillway. No 0 0 0 0 P RE R N 25 ft 41 ac-ft 4 acres 1940 OH01062 TRIBUTARY TO WEST BRANCH ROCKY RIVER 41.19 -81.83 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
LAKE HAVEN DAM OH L Non-failure 02/01/2014 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Riser Failure OH00115-2656 Principal spillway riser failed. Currently at lowered pool. No 0 0 0 0 P RE R N 22 ft 113 ac-ft 13 acres 1960 OH00115 TRIBUTARY TO LAKE ERIE 41.42 -82.29 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
SOUTH MOUND CREEK POOL MN L Failure 06/14/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping MN00111-2647 Flood overtopped dam and right embankment (emergency spillway) failed. Wooden dock floated loose and partially blocked principal spillway. No 0 0 0 1 Bridges DNR owed Dam. Operators notified DNR Dam Safety quickly. 200 acre-feet ac-ft Grouted riprap on emergency spillway. Dam also failed in 1938. Downstream home was flooded but may have flooded without dam failure. Two downstream farmers claim dam breach damaged them. S PG R NR 24 ft 235 ac-ft 19 acres 1940 MN00111 MOUND CREEK 43.7145 -96.1779 1940 MNDNR WATERS Between 9 pm and midnight <12 hours Yes State park staff; MN DNR Dam Safety files.
INLAND STEEL T MN S Failure 04/07/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping MN00670-2648 Tailings basin decant water could not flow back to reclaim pond due to ice blockage in decant diversion ditch. Overtopped and failed. No 0 0 0 0 None 114,565 cubic feet of material; amount of water unknown ac-ft P RE ST NR 55 ft 14500 ac-ft 1800 acres 1976 MN00670 WUORI CREEK-CLOSED SYSTEM 47.6025 -92.4607 0 MNDNR WATERS <95 hours Yes Owner; MN DNR Dam Safety files.
HIGH ISLAND CREEK MN L Failure 06/29/2014 Hydrologic/flooding Overtopping MN00819-2649 Large rainfall washed out right earthen embankment. Earthen abutment lower than design. No 0 0 0 0 None None Run-of-river dam. Dam was removed later. S PG CO NR 9 ft 50 ac-ft 0 acres 1958 MN00819 HIGH ISLAND CREEK 44.5756 -93.9924 0 MNDNR WATERS <12 hours No Citizen; DNR Fisheries staff; MN DNR Dam Safety files.
POND LICK LAKE DAM OH H Non-failure 04/01/2014 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level OH02385-2657 Dam came within a foot of overtopping during construction of repairs. No 0 0 0 0 Downstream residents were notified of the situation S RE R Y 22 ft 96 ac-ft 4 acres 1938 OH02385 POND LICK RUN 38.69 -83.17 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OH DNR
WHEATON BRANCH STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MD H Non-failure 08/12/2014 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level MD00127-2658 Large rain even Yes 0 0 L RE C Y 27 ft 196 ac-ft 3 acres 1979 MD00127 TR-SLIGO CREEK 39.0247 -77.0383 1990 MD Dam Safety one day MD Dam Safety
LITTLE TONOLOWAY DAM MD L Non-failure 06/12/2014 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level MD00062-2659 8 inches rain in 4 hour Yes 0 0 P RE R NR 17 ft 66 ac-ft 7 acres 1953 MD00062 LITTLE TONOLOWAY CREEK 39.6844 -78.2553 1953 MD Dam Safety MD Dam Safety
ROCKY GORGE DAM MD H Non-failure 04/30/2014 Hydrologic/flooding High Reservoir Level MD00020-2660 Large rain event during construction with exposed vulnerabilit Yes 0 400 L CBCN SR Y 134 ft 22000 ac-ft 773 acres 1953 MD00020 PATUXENT RIVER 39.1167 -76.8751 2014 MD Dam Safety MD Dam Safety
LITTLE DEER CREEK SITE 2A (MCKNIGHT/RUTLEDGE) MD S Non-failure 04/01/2014 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Riser Failure Excessive/increased Seepage MD00035-2662 Plugged Riser,Abutment Seepage Yes 0 0 P RE C Y 44 ft 523 ac-ft 5 acres 1962 MD00035 TR-LITTLE DEER CREEK 39.6404 -76.5275 1962 MD Dam Safety one week MD Dam Safety
LEWISVILLE LAKE TX H Non-failure 12/14/2015 Structural Stability Slope Stability TX00008-2663 SLIDE F RE SRCH Y 130 ft 1804300 ac-ft 23280 acres 1955 TX00008 ELM FORK OF THE TRINITY RIVER 33.0667 -97.0167 0 TCEQ
LAKE KIMBLE DAM TX L Non-failure 11/30/2015 Deterioration Or Poor Condition Spillway Pipe Failure TX03743-2664 SPILLWAY PIPE FAILURE P RE R NR 23 ft 500 ac-ft 119 acres 1964 TX03743 KIMBALL CREEK 30.511 -94.4396 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
PLUM CREEK WS SCS SITE 6 DAM TX H Non-failure 10/28/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX01576-2665 SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C Y 36 ft 5663 ac-ft 142 acres 1967 TX01576 PORTER CREEK 30.0022 -97.8229 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 14 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02623-2666 SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 22 ft 1298 ac-ft 50 acres 1965 TX02623 TR-PIN OAK CREEK 31.8308 -96.5963 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 14A DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02622-2667 SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 22 ft 974 ac-ft 42 acres 1964 TX02622 TR-PIN OAK CREEK 31.8398 -96.608 2005 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 98A DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02611-2668 SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 36 ft 4391 ac-ft 126 acres 1972 TX02611 HACKBERRY CREEK 32.0185 -96.844 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 137G DAM TX H Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02582-2669 SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C Y 29 ft 5380 ac-ft 70 acres 1971 TX02582 BRIAR CREEK 32.0595 -96.578 2011 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 111 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02638-2670 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 30 ft 281 ac-ft 12 acres 1970 TX02638 TR-BATTLE CREEK 31.8939 -96.684 2005 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 107B DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02630-2671 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE PF NR 29 ft 595 ac-ft 27 acres 1964 TX02630 TR-BATTLE CREEK 31.8752 -96.7061 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 107A DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02629-2672 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 31 ft 886 ac-ft 19 acres 1970 TX02629 TR-BATTLE CREEK 31.8655 -96.7147 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 110 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02634-2673 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 30 ft 791 ac-ft 36 acres 1970 TX02634 TR-BATTLE CREEK 31.8914 -96.6901 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
KING NO. 1 WY L Failure 07/15/2014 Seepage/internal Erosion Piping WY00328-2646 No 0 0 0 0 Other $100,000 to $500,000 2216 AF ac-ft 1 ditch diversion structure damaged. No significant damage occurred downstream. Bids were $300,000 to repair the dam. P RE I NR 24 ft 2449 ac-ft 230 acres 1922 WY00328 SEEPAGE CREEK 41.5933 -106.063 0 SEO 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. Estimated Less than 4 hours Yes WY State Engineer's Office Y
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 31 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02624-2674 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE I NR 35 ft 5838 ac-ft 56 acres 1963 TX02624 BOARD CREEK 31.8705 -96.5676 2010 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 136REV DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX04588-2675 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 34 ft 753 ac-ft 21 acres 1977 TX04588 TR-RUSH CREEK 32.0257 -96.603 0 TCEQ TX DEQ
RICHLAND CREEK WS SCS SITE 129 DAM TX L Non-failure 10/25/2015 Hydrologic/flooding Spillway Deficiency TX02649-2676 SEVERE SPILLWAY DAMAGE L RE C NR 25 ft 926 ac-ft 18