Dam Design, Plans, and Specifications Review

Dam Design, Plans, and Specifications Review

This course will be an interactive seminar that provides a well-blended mixture of lecture presentations covering various design disciplines along with several strategically designed hands-on exercises that provide interaction among participants. The exercises will be developed to include review of documents for a dam rehabilitation project to provide experience to both the novice and experienced dam safety engineer with design review. This course has been developed to provide attendees with a broader background on dam design and specific experience and resources that can be used following the seminar.

Key Take-aways: 

  • Dam design, state of the practice.
  • Standards and guidelines review.
  • Design documents.
  • Civil 3-D design to 2-D plan development.
  • Incorporating Potential Failure Modes Analysis (PFMA) in the design process.
  • Plans/Drawing review.
  • Specification development and review.
  • Design details and construction specifications to achieve constructability and meet quality control.
  • Requirements of the design.