January 14, 2025
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
- Short Background on Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)
- Hydrometeorological Reports (National Weather Service)
- Statewide PMP studies
- Site Specific PMP studies
- Seasonal / Rain-on-snow studies
- Recent challenges to the maximum predicted values
- Probability when used with risk-informed decision making
- Transformation of PMP values to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)
- Hydrologic inputs needed
- Watershed/Drainage area boundary
- Rainfall (gridded vs. point)
- Topography (resolution vs. accuracy)
- Land cover
- Soil
- Local hydraulics (dams, bridges, culverts and diversions)
- Hydrologic inputs needed
- Q&A on PMP and Hydrology
- Continuation on Transformation of PMP values
- Importing rainfall data
- Developing the 2-D mesh and sub-watersheds
- Importing hydrologic parameters
- Adding a hydraulic structure
- Running the model
- Importing rainfall data
- Developing the 2-D mesh
- Importing hydrologic parameters
- Adding multiple hydraulic structures
- Running the model
- Calibration and verification techniques
- Historic values
- Steam gauges
- Reservoir history
- Presenting the analyses
- Q&A on Modeling