Low-head Dams: Mitigating Danger and Liability: Instructors

Low-head Dams: Mitigating Danger and Liability: Instructors

Rollin H. Hotchkiss
Brigham Young University

Rollin H. Hotchkiss is a water resources engineering professor in the Civil and Construction Engineering Department at Brigham Young University. His research efforts to reduce fatalities at low-head dams are documented in several journal papers and conference proceedings. Current work on this topic aims to create user-friendly tools to determine the potential occurrence of submerged hydraulic jumps for any of the more than 13,000 low-head dams in a recently completed national inventory. Dr. Hotchkiss has authored more than 50 journal papers and more than 100 conference papers and was the 2017 ASCE Hydraulic Structures medal recipient. He teaches courses in fluid mechanics, 2D river modeling, hydraulic structures, and open-channel flow.

Paul Schweiger
Gannett Fleming, Inc.
Vice President, Manager Dams and Hydraulics

Paul is a vice president of Gannett Fleming, Inc. and manager of the firm’s dams and hydraulics section. Paul has been with Gannett Fleming for 37 years. During this time, he has provided engineering consulting services for more than 500 dams throughout the United States, including designing and rehabilitating NRCS dams.  Paul served on the National Dam Safety Review Board and led the updating of the national (FEMA) Guidelines for Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams and Lessons Learned from Dam Incidents and Failures research project and website. He regularly serves as an expert hydrology and hydraulics engineer on Independent External Peer Review panels for United States Army Corps of Engineers dam and flood control projects. Paul is a frequent instructor of Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) engineering webinars and seminars.  

Karl Kingery
Hydrometrics, Inc.
Water Resources Engineer

Karl Kingery is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Montana, California, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, and South Dakota, and has a B.S. in civil engineering. Project experience includes civil and structural design of water resource projects, construction oversight, project management, preparation of plans and specifications, hydraulic and hydrologic analysis, expert witness work, hydrogeologic and materials testing, sediment transport, and floodplain risk assessments and associated permitting. Other relevant experience includes involvement in low-head dam identification and rehabilitation, sediment transport analysis, groundwater dewatering/treatment, water treatment design, and performing mud and debris flow assessments. Non-professional experience includes extensive swimming and former involvement in water safety instruction. Swimming experience has included collegiate Division 1 swimming and open water swimming. 

Dr. Andrew Earles
Wright Water Engineers, Inc.
Executive Vice President

Dr. Andrew Earles is the executive vice president of Wright Water Engineers (WWE) in Denver, Colorado. Andrew specializes in hydrology and hydraulics and has worked on low-head dam safety for nearly 25 years. Andrew has served as an expert witness in several cases related to drownings at low-head dams, providing analysis and testimony related to the hydraulics and safety hazards of reverse rollers. From 2018 – 2022, Andrew served on a committee established by the Colorado Department of Natural Resources to improve public awareness and safety around low-head dams. Andrew is a Professional Engineer, Professional Hydrologist, and member of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers.