November 14, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
- I. Introduction
- Overview of the seminar - key items discussed will include the following:
- Gate Analysis and Design
- Gate Anchorage Systems
- Dewatering Systems
- Construction Experiences/Lessons Learned
- Overview of the seminar - key items discussed will include the following:
- II. Gate Design
- Design Criteria
- High-Level Overview of Current Gate Design Guidelines
- New Guidelines added in the USACE 2022 Manual
- Unique Loading Conditions (such as why it may be necessary to design for PMF or other unique loading conditions)
- Existing Gate Evaluation
- Field inspection
- Corrosion
- Modeling Losses
- New Gate Design
- Design Improvements to Help Mitigate Issues with Historic Gates
- Drain Hole Location/Detailing
- Bracing Design and Checks
- Material Specifications
- Coating Systems
- Hoist Compatibility
- Capacity of Existing Hoist with New Gates
- Limit Switch Design and Selection
- USACE/AGMA Service Factors
- Detail Improvements
- FCM and FCW
- Trunnion Pin Assemblies and Types
- Gate Shoes
- Wire Rope and Connections
- Drain Holes and Detailing
- Casting, Forging, Welding
- Coatings
- Design Improvements to Help Mitigate Issues with Historic Gates
- Design Criteria
- Gate Anchorages
- Gate Anchorages by Gate Type
- Radial Gates
- Hinged or Rotational Gates (I.e., Bear Trap, Crest Gates, Etc.)
- Other Types
- Radial Gate Anchorage
- Post-tensioned versus Passive
- Evaluation of Anchorage
- Trunnion Girder
- Loading of Trunnion Girders
- Asymmetric Loading based on Spillway Gate Operations
- End Piers
- Loading of Trunnion Girders
- Retrofit of Existing Gate Anchorage Systems
- Evaluation of Existing Systems
- Retro Fit Option
- Gate Anchorages by Gate Type
- Dewatering
- Dewatering System Types
- Stoplogs
- Floating Bulkheads
- Needle Beam
- Emergency
- Other
- Dewatering System Design
- Design Guidelines
- Lifting Beams
- Installation Methods
- C. Construction Implementation
- Retrofitting Existing Dams for Dewatering Systems
- Existing Stoplogs/Stoplog Slots or lack thereof
- Construction Dewatering, Care of Water, and Flood Routing
- Sealing of Stoplogs
- Dewatering System Types
- V. Construction
- Rehabilitation versus Retrofit
- Condition of Existing Gates and when to replace
- Cost Framework for Each
- Construction timing and Installation for Rehab vs Repair
- Case Study of Existing Retrofits
- Existing Side Seal Plate Alignment
- Additional Unforeseen Corrosion/Required repairs
- Other Construction Issues Case Study
- Damaged Members
- Heat Straightening Construction
- Seal Leaking Guidelines
- Operational Testing
- Rehabilitation versus Retrofit