Incident ID |
CA00000-189 |
Dam Name |
Downstream Hazard Potential |
H |
State |
CA |
Incident Date |
03/12/1928 |
Incident Type |
Failure |
Incident Driver |
Structural Stability |
Incident Mechanism 1 |
Foundation Deficiency |
Incident Mechanism 2 |
Incident Mechanism 3 |
Incident Description |
There was poor foundation material and sliding planes on the Left abutment. At the time of the incident there was also concerns with the congolomerate on the right abutment but most experts now belive the failure iniciated on the left. |
Named Hydrologic Event |
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident |
No |
Fatalities (Number) |
600 |
Number of People Evacuated |
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated |
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded |
Other Infrastructure Impacts |
Economic Damages (in $) |
$5 million to $10 million |
Volume released at failure (ac-ft) |
38000 ac-ft |
Response |
Additional Remarks or Updates |
23,500 acres of farmland flooded. Most likely cause: instability of underlying soil,
Fatalities: 600 - Over 600 killed. |
Incident Time |
Incident Duration |
Incident Report Produced |
Yes |
Information Sources |, Floodpath by Jon Wilkman |
Owner Type |
Dam Type |
Primary Purpose(s) |
S |
N |
Year Completed |
1926 |
Year Modified |
0 |
Dam Height |
205 ft |
Max Storage (ac-ft) |
38000 ac-ft |
Surface Area (acres) |
0 acres |
River Name |
Latitude |
0 |
Longitude |
0 |
Regulatory Agency(ies) |
NID Number |
CA00000 |
Attachments |