FRUITA #2 - CO00078-3614

Incident ID CO00078-3614
Dam Name FRUITA #2
Downstream Hazard Potential S
State CO
Incident Date 06/01/2023
Incident Type Non-failure
Incident Driver Structural Stability
Incident Mechanism 1 Slope Stability
Incident Mechanism 2 High Reservoir Level
Incident Mechanism 3
Incident Description Dam on zero storage restriction because of massive slope instability issues. Unable to maintain zero storage, reservoir spilling. At least 2nd time since restriction implemented.
Named Hydrologic Event
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident Yes
Fatalities (Number) 0
Number of People Evacuated 0
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated 0
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded 0
Other Infrastructure Impacts
Economic Damages (in $)
Volume released at failure (ac-ft)
Response siphon, outlet pipe open. Owner doing daily monitoring & reporting to SEO. Must either commit to a timeline for constucted repair or breach
Additional Remarks or Updates
Incident Time
Incident Duration
Incident Report Produced Yes
Information Sources CODWR
Owner Type L
Dam Type RE
Primary Purpose(s) S
Year Completed 1959
Year Modified 0
Dam Height 60 ft
Max Storage (ac-ft) 238 ac-ft
Surface Area (acres) 14 acres
Latitude 38.8617
Longitude -108.767
Regulatory Agency(ies) DWR
NID Number CO00078