Incident ID |
DE00051-3531 |
Dam Name |
Downstream Hazard Potential |
H |
State |
DE |
Incident Date |
07/27/2022 |
Incident Type |
Non-failure |
Incident Driver |
Seepage/internal Erosion |
Incident Mechanism 1 |
Piping |
Incident Mechanism 2 |
Sinkhole |
Incident Mechanism 3 |
Excessive/increased Seepage |
Incident Description |
On 7/27/2022 a sinkhole was discovered on the upstream slope adjacent to the right winwall of 1 of the bridge/spillway structures (this dam has two bridges with gates on the upstream side and a smaller culvert with boards on the upstream side) with an active boil on the downstream side of the dam. The piping/voids were under the bridge slab. The road was closed, the pond level was lowered and immeadiate measures including a liner and large sand sacks were placed on the upstream seepage entry point to prevent progression. Permanent repairs included flowable fill to fill the sinkhole and holes were drilled thru the slab to inject flowable fill in the voids under the bridge slab. All trees were clearded along the upstream slope and a sheet pile cutoff and riprap were installed. |
Named Hydrologic Event |
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident |
Yes |
Fatalities (Number) |
Number of People Evacuated |
0 |
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated |
0 |
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded |
0 |
Other Infrastructure Impacts |
Bridges |
Economic Damages (in $) |
$1 million to $5 million |
Volume released at failure (ac-ft) |
Response |
Additional Remarks or Updates |
Incident Time |
Incident Duration |
Incident Report Produced |
No |
Information Sources |
DE Dam Safety |
Owner Type |
S |
Dam Type |
Primary Purpose(s) |
R |
Y |
Year Completed |
1945 |
Year Modified |
0 |
Dam Height |
18 ft |
Max Storage (ac-ft) |
591 ac-ft |
Surface Area (acres) |
39 acres |
River Name |
Latitude |
39.438 |
Longitude |
-75.6934 |
Regulatory Agency(ies) |
NID Number |
DE00051 |
Attachments |