Incident ID |
NE00264-1222 |
Dam Name |
Downstream Hazard Potential |
L |
State |
NE |
Incident Date |
06/12/2010 |
Incident Type |
Failure |
Incident Driver |
Hydrologic/flooding |
Incident Mechanism 1 |
Overtopping |
Incident Mechanism 2 |
Incident Mechanism 3 |
Incident Description |
Heavy rainfall runoff. |
Named Hydrologic Event |
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident |
Fatalities (Number) |
Number of People Evacuated |
339 |
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated |
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded |
85 |
Other Infrastructure Impacts |
Water/sewer lines |
Economic Damages (in $) |
Volume released at failure (ac-ft) |
600 ac-ft |
Response |
Additional Remarks or Updates |
An irrigation company intentionally breached one of their canals upstream of the dam which may have helped cause the dam to fail. Most of the flooding in North Loup was due to the heavy rainfall runoff. We do not know how much the failure of the dam contributed to the flooding. Water and sewer service were disrupted. |
Incident Time |
Incident Duration |
Incident Report Produced |
Information Sources |
Owner Type |
Dam Type |
RE |
Primary Purpose(s) |
Year Completed |
0 |
Year Modified |
0 |
Dam Height |
26 ft |
Max Storage (ac-ft) |
0 ac-ft |
Surface Area (acres) |
0 acres |
River Name |
Latitude |
0 |
Longitude |
0 |
Regulatory Agency(ies) |
NID Number |
NE00264 |
Attachments |