PUTNAM LAKE DAM - NY00090-3167

Incident ID NY00090-3167
Downstream Hazard Potential H
State NY
Incident Date 09/08/2017
Incident Type Non-failure
Incident Driver Deterioration Or Poor Condition
Incident Mechanism 1 Erosion
Incident Mechanism 2 Spillway Pipe Failure
Incident Mechanism 3
Incident Description Galvanized metal pipe that comprised downstream end of LLO was in a severely deteriorated condition. When LLO was activated, seepage out of the pipe eroded the downstream slope of the embankment. Area was excavated and a new pipe was installed downstream of the gate chamber Embankment was backfilled.
Named Hydrologic Event
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident
Fatalities (Number)
Number of People Evacuated
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded
Other Infrastructure Impacts
Economic Damages (in $)
Volume released at failure (ac-ft)
Additional Remarks or Updates
Incident Time
Incident Duration 2 weeks
Incident Report Produced No
Information Sources NY DEC
Owner Type L
Dam Type RE
Primary Purpose(s) PR
Year Completed 1931
Year Modified 0
Dam Height 24 ft
Max Storage (ac-ft) 2510 ac-ft
Surface Area (acres) 232 acres
River Name BOG BROOK
Latitude 41.4575
Longitude -73.5433
Regulatory Agency(ies) NYS DEC
NID Number NY00090