TROWS - WI00044-3608

Incident ID WI00044-3608
Dam Name TROWS
Downstream Hazard Potential L
State WI
Incident Date 04/08/2024
Incident Type Non-failure
Incident Driver Deterioration Or Poor Condition
Incident Mechanism 1 Other
Incident Mechanism 2
Incident Mechanism 3
Incident Description A portion of the concrete training wall and trashrack beam along the headrace collapsed.
Named Hydrologic Event
EAP Enacted (Y/N) due to Incident No
Fatalities (Number) 0
Number of People Evacuated 0
Number of Habitable Structures Evacuated 0
Number of Habitable Structures Flooded 0
Other Infrastructure Impacts None
Economic Damages (in $) $1 to $100,000
Volume released at failure (ac-ft)
Response The Village shut the gate to the powerhouse as a precautionary measure to protect their equipment.
Additional Remarks or Updates The ogee spillway and Tainter Gate remain unobstructed and continue to function normally.
Incident Time
Incident Duration
Incident Report Produced
Information Sources WIDNR
Owner Type L
Dam Type PGRE
Primary Purpose(s) R
Year Completed 1942
Year Modified 0
Dam Height 26 ft
Max Storage (ac-ft) 350 ac-ft
Surface Area (acres) 43 acres
Latitude 44.4394
Longitude -90.8241
Regulatory Agency(ies) WIDNR
NID Number WI00044