Basic Soil Mechanics Related to Earth Dams is a Virtual Seminar. All times listed below are Eastern.
June 24, 2025
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Topics Included Today:
- Weight-Volume and Mass Density Relations of Soil
- Identification and Classification of Soils: Particle Characteristics and Consistency
- Compaction: Theory of Compaction, Laboratory and Field Procedures
- Compaction: Measurement of Field Density and Specifications
- Hydraulic Conductivity: Darcy’s Law and flow through porous media
- Hydraulic Conductivity: Measurement of k from Laboratory and Field Tests
- Dispersive Clay Soils: Crumb & Pinhole Tests
- Geostatic Stresses in Soils
- Induced Stress Distributions
Breaks at approximately 12:15-12:45 and 3:00-3:30. Other small breaks may be included during the day.
June 25, 2025
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Topics Included Today:
- Theories of Consolidation
- Compression, Stress History, Settlement Calculation
- Time Rate of Consolidation, Consolidation Test, Collapsible Soils
- Workshop on Effective Stress and Settlement
- Shear Strength: Mohr Circle, Envelope, Stress Paths
- Critical Void Ratio, Volume Change, and Pore Pressures
- Drained vs. Undrained (Total and Effective Strengths)
- Workshop (Mohr’s Circle, Determination and Selection of Strength Parameters
Breaks at approximately 1:30-2:00 and 3:15-3:45. Other small breaks may be included during the day.
June 26, 2025
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Topics Included Today:
- Laboratory Testing for Shear Strength of Soil (Direct Shear Testing, Triaxial Testing UU, CU, CD, UCT)
- Laboratory Testing for Shear Strength of Soil
- Shear Strength Correlations
- Assign Lab Tests
- Workshop Shear Strength
- Lateral Earth Pressures (At rest, active, and passive conditions; Rankine Theory; Coulomb Theory; Effects of Wall Friction; Procedures for Developing Lateral Earth Pressure Diagram; Review of Lateral Earth Pressure and Applications; Chart Solutions)
Breaks at approximately 12:30-1:00 and 2:45-3:15. Other small breaks may be included during the day.
June 27, 2025
10:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Topics Included Today:
- Workshop (Lateral Earth Pressures)
- Field Exploration Methods
- Techniques: Drilling and Sampling (Geophysical Techniques, Specifying, Controlling and Data Presentation, Methods of Sampling and Sample Disturbance, Data Presentation)
- In-situ Field Testing (Introduction, Penetration Testing: SPT and CPT, Other Field Testing, Measurement of Pore Water Pressures)
Breaks at approximately 12:00-12:30 and 2:00-2:30. Other small breaks may be included during the day.