Best Practices in Floodplain Management Associated With Dam Safety Management and Dam Rehabilitation: Instructors

Best Practices in Floodplain Management Associated With Dam Safety Management and Dam Rehabilitation: Instructors

John Wolfhope, P.E.  
Freese and Nichols 
Water Resources Program Director 

John is a water resources national program director for Freese and Nichols, where he provides service to federal and state agencies, river authorities, flood control districts, and municipalities, supporting their implementation of water resources resiliency and flood damage risk reduction programs. John specializes in the planning, analysis, and design of dams, levees, and embankments, and has extensive experience in local and regional water supply, flood control, and water supply management and operations. He is a nationally recognized advocate for dam safety and professional support to dam and levee owners, serving as former president of the U.S. Society on Dams and the current U.S. representative to the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Committee on Dams and River Basin Management.

Sam Crampton, P.E., CFM
Vice President, Department Manager

Sam is a department manager and subject matter expert for Dewberry with over 20 years of experience in floodplain management and dam safety. He provides support to a wide array of projects for state, local, federal, and private clients throughout the U.S.  Sam specializes in the application of advanced hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, which he has applied to assess the floodplain impacts of dams and levees, optimize reservoir operations for flood control and irrigation, and perform dam failure assessments. He has worked closely with the National Dam Safety Program and state dam safety programs developing technical guidance and technology for dam safety and floodplain management.