Probable Maximum Precipitation: What Is It, How Is It Calculated, and How Do I Apply It?: Agenda

Probable Maximum Precipitation: What Is It, How Is It Calculated, and How Do I Apply It?: Agenda

January 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern

  • What is PMP and how is it used 
    • History and why we need it
    • Where we’ve been and where we are going
    • What’s new in recent years
    • Modernization of PMP recommendations and what it means
  • Q&A Session 1 
  • Climate Change and PMP 
    • How does this relate to uncertainty in PMP
    • How does probability come into play
    • How should you consider climate change in your design and operations
  • What are the benefits of site-specific and statewide studies  
  • How are these studies completed and what do the results and outputs look like  
    • Storm types
    • Seasonality
    • Rain on snow 
  • How does hydrologic modeling interface with the outputs 
  • Q&A Session 2