Seepage and Slope Stability Modeling for Embankment Dams

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Seepage and Slope Stability Modeling for Embankment Dams

Resource Type Guidelines, Technical Manuals, Reference Books
Title Seepage and Slope Stability Modeling for Embankment Dams
Author/Presenter Heitland, Julie
Donaghy, Harry
Organization/Agency AECOM
Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Year 2021
Date November 2021
Abstract/Additional Information This Seepage and Slope Stability Guidance Document has been prepared to aid in the planning, interpreting, verifying, and reporting of results from seepage and slope stability analyses completed for embankment dams. The guidance document includes an overview of the standard of practice in preparing these analyses and provides tips, tools, and other reference documents to support analysis execution from planning to reporting. The guidance document does not provide specific instructions on how to perform the seepage and slope stability modeling but presents some basic modeling considerations. This guidance document is intended for all experience levels of dam safety professionals and engineers, dam owners, regulators, and all other members in the dam safety community.