ASDSO Applauds Passage of Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA)

On Thursday, December 19, Congress passed the Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA). The biennial passage of WRDA is critical to ensuring that the dams, levees, ports, and inland waterways of the United States remain safe and effective. The Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) played a role in bringing this legislation over the finish line and commends Congress for its leadership in advancing dam safety.

Section 1132, Improvements to the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP), reauthorizes the program through 2028. The act includes amendments that remove barriers to increased funding allocations to States via the State Assistance Grant Program. Additionally, amendments clarified and added common-sense directives to floodplain management plan requirements for High-Hazard Potential Dam Rehabilitation Program projects. These improvements will help states monitor the condition of dams and dam owners make needed repairs to high-hazard potential dams before a catastrophic dam failure threatens the lives of those in downstream communities. Additionally, by clarifying the responsibilities of dam owners who receive rehabilitation grants through the program, the legislation promotes accountability and long-term assurances that the dams will be maintained in a safe condition. The dam safety community applauds the elimination of non-federal cost-sharing requirements for underserved communities, reflecting a commitment to fair and effective safety standards. 

"ASDSO is proud to support the Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024," said ASDSO President Mia Kannik, P.E. "The included reauthorization of the National Dam Safety Program ensures that federal and state agencies will continue to partner to safeguard downstream communities and protect lives. With improved resources for inspections, monitoring, emergency preparedness, and access to funding, this legislation represents a much-needed investment in the ongoing safety of our nation's dams." 

ASDSO thanks Sen. Padilla (D-CA), Sen. Cramer (R-ND), Rep. Edwards (R-NC11), and Rep. Kuster (D-NH02) for their leadership in sponsoring the bills and advancing dam safety. ASDSO also thanks the many members, volunteers, and partner organizations who contributed their time and expertise.

ASDSO is a national professional association whose membership includes the state dam safety programs in addition to the territory of Puerto Rico—and over 3,600 other dam safety professionals and stakeholders from across the country. The association's mission is to improve the condition and safety of dams and lower the risk of dam failures through education, support for state dam safety programs, and fostering a unified dam safety community.