Final Forensic Report on 2020 Edenville and Sanford Dam Failures Released

On May 4, the independent forensic team (IFT) investigating the May 19, 2020, failures of the Edenville and Sanford Dams released its final forensic report. In addition to findings on the physical mechanisms of the dam failures presented in the interim report, the final report addresses the characteristics of the flood and other factors that contributed to the failures. These factors include those related to the various organizations involved with the dams over their 95-year existence.

Direct Download: IFT Final Report
Google Drive: IFT Final Report

On May 5, ASDSO moderated a report overview led by John France, the team chair. The audio is available for download here.

In August 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) engaged the five-member IFT to investigate the failure of the Edenville and Sanford Dams in central Michigan. In September 2021, the IFT released an interim forensic report that included findings to date. The final report represents the completion of the IFT’s work.


Media Contact: Katelyn Riley at [email protected]